1. There are Eyes Everywhere
Not only are you unable to get away with an affair under the Abbey’s roof, you can’t get away with one in a hotel (or abroad!), either.
You had to feel bad for poor, besotted Tony, who thinks he and Mary are headed down the aisle. But I didn’t feel one bit bad for Mary when she got caught.
Did anyone else crack up over the “unwanted epilogue” euphemism of Violet’s?
And speaking of Violet, it seems she once had a Russian prince as an admirer. Which, in Mary’s opinion, is enough to prove that Lady Violet understands her much better than she ever let on.
2. People Will Always Put Too Much Faith in Circumstantial Evidence
I was annoyed, not only by the presence of the detective, but by the feeling that this rather ridiculous plot device is likely to continue.
The one thing I’m wondering, though, is whether or not Bates actually did anything to Mr. Greene? Last season, I was sure he did. This season, I’m not convinced. Thoughts?
3. Life is Always More Complicated When You Don’t Tell the Truth
Is anyone else getting annoyed by the Edith story line? For the love of everything, why doesn’t she just TELL Mrs. Drewe she’s Marigold’s mother? Then we could move on to letting this character have a different tragedy. Because you know she will.
4. There’s Nothing Quite Like a Brother
I loved the whole interaction between Tom and Mary. And I can’t wait to see what it looks like as they back each other up. (Does this mean they’ll stand in the hallways as lookouts like Thomas did? I’d kinda like to see that!)
5. Marriage Often Seems Like a Game of “Who is Being Dumber?”
In this episode, is it Cora or Robert?
It’s obvious Mr. Bricker wants Cora to join him in the dance with no pants. Robert is finally realizing it, but can’t manage to keep a civil tongue in his mouth to discuss it with his wife. And Cora is becoming too naïve to be believable as a character—from the fact that she has no idea she has an illegitimate granddaughter to swallowing Mary’s stories about sketching trips to believing an art historian wants to take her out to dinner to discuss art. I mean, seriously?
So what did you think of this episode in Downton Abbey season 5? Are the characters/situations they’re putting the characters in that are annoying you? Or are you just happy to be along for the Downton ride?
All images are screen caps from the episode and property of ITV/PBS.