First, a quick recap: Patients at Tarrytown Psychiatric Hospital are dropping like flies – 4 suicides in one week! Abbie and Jenny go to investigate, only to discover their departed mother may be playing a part in the deaths! Jenny and Abbie share painful memories of their mom, and ultimately work with her ghost to stop the real killer: a ghost nurse.
Meanwhile, at Fredericks Manor, Katrina is bound and determined not help Henry in his plans to bring Moloch to power. She will oppose that baby Moloch with every shred of her power- omygod! He totally has new baby smell and she cannot resist a little snug-up! Unfortunately, the worst part of holding baby Moloch is not getting spit up on your sweater, but being poisoned with some kind of “creeping inky skin sickness.” Katrina gets into action, brewing up some powerful anti-evil potion, but baby Moloch has turned into a Justin Bieber-looking tween Moloch, which is making it much harder to off him.
Okay, kids, enought chit-chat. Sharpen those pencils and test your “Sleepy-Q” on the following questions!
ANSWER: C, but will accept “All of the above”
What can I say, those Quakers likes to par-tay!!! Seriously though, it was kind of weird how they went through such complicated mechanations to get Ichabod on the sidelines for this episode. Methinks they wanted Nick to have a chance to shine, but that turned out to be a little problematic as highlighted by question 2.
Sleep it off, party boy.
OMG he is so good at that!
It is no secret that I LOVE Nick Hawley. Every time he comes on screen I turn into a dopey-grinning pile of mush. Having said that, I have no idea why he accompanied the ladies on this case, as he did not a) add any actual insight to the investigation or b) take his shirt off. I feel like one of these 2 things was essential in clarifying his role.
Their mama loved them and was trying to protect them all along – even through the crazy!!! I am just so choked up! I love their relationship, and do hope that the Nickabbie thing doesn’t screw it up!
Please note: I will also accept D as an answer, because this:
ANSWER: All of the above
This is a true story: Regular babies do all of those things to their mothers, so I’m not sure why Katrina is so freaked out. Granted, when most babies turn their mothers into minions of darkness, it is usually for the purpose of getting their chubby hands on some more of those strained carrots (BABY NEED CARROTS), not to turn the earth into a hellish inferno, but the methods are similar. And seriously, having a little black stain on your neck really does not even compare with peeing a little every time you sneeze.
See? This is how they roll!
Hallelujah! The folks at Sleepy Hollow have been listening to my pleas for more “Nickabod” action! Ichabod and Nick, I know you guys are a little wary because it’s all kind of new, but see how good it feels (for me)? I could, and will, watch this all day.
See how Nick reaches out for Ichabod’s hand in that third frame – GAH!
Seriously though, I wish they had ditched that last scene. I hate it when shows that depend on mystery, fantasy and a whole bunch of WTF? just wrap things up neatly. How much more poignant that scene would have been if Abbie and Jenny were coming to terms with a new understanding of their past, but without any validation from Lori? Maybe leaving it the sisters had to find that absolution from each other. And having the mom tell them about the answers being in her book instead of having to find out themselves? The writers just screwed themselves out of some great discovery storylines in the future. And where the hell did Jenny learn to summon the dead? That’s some pretty high-level witchcraft-shit right there, and she just happened to be able to do it? Dislike.
The only bright spot is that it forced the guys into some hardcore “we ain’t got shit to do” awkward standing around acting. Which is hilarious to watch:
Ummmm, yeah. We’ll just be standing around while you guys hug it out
So, how did you do? Hopefully this will help you prepare for next week’s “Fall Finale”! (still not a thing)
Why do you think Ichabod was MIA from this episode? Was Tom too busy being adorable elsewhere? Do you think this episode could have also highlighted Nick’s mastery of using chopsticks? How do you feel about the last scene?