Remember last week, when things were kind of silly in the Hollow, and all the peoples rose up and sang out to the heavens:
Done with you Sleepy Hollow!
Then everyone flew off into an emphysema-riddled future in the sooty London skies? ‘Member how I told you it was going to be okay? Hmmm? And then this week it was kind of better, and now you are saying: “Me like Sleepy Hollow!!!!” again?
Me have problem.
Well, I didn’t want to have to say it, but:
I’m lying- I love to say it!
I’m here to Sleepy-splain to you what went right this week using an Elise-style venn diagram:
Succubus – I’ve heard of that!
I feel like this point can best be summed up through the following comparison:
What happens when I google “succubus””:
What happens when I google “Aurora Borealis as a force for eradicating evil from that on which it shines:”
Succubus? That is a thing I know – sexy AND sucky! This is something I can sink my teeth into! (see what I did there) This week Henry animates a succubus to do his bidding by gathering the life forces of hapless barflies, and leaving behind a trail of dried out husks.
After collecting the souls, the succubus barfs them into a “Ghostbusters” style containment system (aka “jumbo pickle jar”), for Henry’s nefarious use. This is ridic, but has it’s own internal logic, which turns out to somewhat important when veering into the universe of crazy. The SH team determines she is feeding on unrequited desire in the hearts of her victims, and who makes a better target than a guy who gives this look?
I could watch that all day.
Yup, she saw that, and this happened:
Fortunately, Ichabbie is on top on this, and they, along with some Nick Hawley secret artifact magic, are able to save Nick.
2 beards are better than 1!
I know I say that every week, but it doesn’t get any less true! Both Ichabod and Hawley are in a world of trouble this week . . . lady trouble.
Beard #1
Ichatrina are having a tough time now that she is back in the flesh, and, it turns out, is her own person outside of Ichabod’s perception of her. There are secrets, trust issues, and to top it all off, all Ichabod DOESN’T HAVE ANY QUINCE TEA FOR KATRINA’S HEADACHE!
“Eff that chalky-ass St. Joeseph’s shit, Ichabod – Abraham ALWAYS had quince tea for me!!!” Katrina retorts! Jay-sus, Ichabod, no wonder Katrina gets all dreamy-eyed for her headless hunk!
WTF!!! (I may have slightly embellished that scene for my own personal enjoyment) Which brings us to a discussion of
Beard #2
I know that viewers have been having a little trouble trying to wrap their heads around Nick, due to the following questions:
- Why is he here?
- Why is he taking attention away from Ichabbie?
- What the hell kind of pleasure raft does he live on?
- Why does he talk like Gary Busey?
All of these are valid questions, and this week’s episode went far towards clarifying his purpose in the show.
With all of the tension in the world of Ichatrina, there is precious little time for Ichabbie adorability, like this:
We need these sweet moments to keep the “Cranewreck” dynamic from dragging the show down, and Nick is an important part of this for the following reasons:
1. This rogueish-smolder:
2. This adorable puppy-dog:
Upon realizing that the desire in Nick’s heart is for the Lieutenant, Crane needs some clarifications on Nick’s intetions.
3. And, most importantly, this:
Sorry, Ichabod, you iz gorge, but I don’t particularly need to see you shirtless. Nick, on the other hand . . .
See how much better you feel? Now do you understand why he’s here? (even though you still can’t figure out quite how he got that accent)
Really, really not going to end well.
My favorite part of the new dynamic is watching Ichabod find himself in the middle of Abbie and Katrina. Everytime Katrina starts with the “Henry is my baby and he needs a mother’s love.” Abbie puts on the “oh, uh-uh” brakes:
Which leads to fantastic displays of witness v. witch fireworks, with Ichabod barely keeping them from tearing each other apart!
I tend to side with Abbie on this one, Katrina and Ichabod are a little out to lunch on the topic of their son. This boy is WAYYY past the “time-out” phase, people. Bring on the military school brochures!
They realize that the only way to defeat the succubus (or, as they learned, “Incordata” – without a heart) is to destroy the excorporeal heart, leaving the body vulnerable to attack. Nick and Ichabod head off to the club to lie in wait for the creature, while Katrina and Abbie head for the cemetery to find the heart. They know Henry has stashed the heart at the cemetery because he pulled a permit in order to use it! HAHAHAHAHA! Yes, I can just picture the Horseman of War down at the Parks and Rec office making sure he files the proper paperwork and pays all applicable fees for the use of public lands! Hahahahaha!
After Abbie and Katrina (and by that I mean “Abbie”) destroy the heart, Nick and Ich are able to kill the succubus, but, as usual it is too late to disrupt Henry’s plan. Katrina’s visions reveal that Henry is using the life force to animate Moloch on earth. She returns to Abraham and Henry hell-bent on thwarting this evil plan by any means necessary, no matter who she may have to – Oh wook! A cute wittle baby!!!
Yes, Henry has heard his 250 year old mother’s biological clock ticking, and uses the magic pendant to disguise Moloch as an adorable, chubby-cheeked little menace-to-humanity. Well played, Henry, Well played.
Henry, you magnificent bastard!
Bwahahahahaha! Just when you thought Abbie had just about had it with Katrina’s defense of Henry, I cannot wait to see her blow her stack when Katrina tries to convince her that baby Moloch is “just misunderstood,” and “is still good somewhere deep inside,” and “totally does not look like a lizard.”
Again: bwahahahaha! I’ll be over here popping the popcorn for next week!
Did you learn to love (Sleepy Hollow) again? Are you pissed that Ichabod had no quince tea? Are you feeling the Ichatrina chemistry? (Sorry, I SO am not)