Perhaps the Christmas Pageant Lobster doesn’t quite ring hilariously for the guys at Screen Junkies putting together Honest Trailers, but you have to admit the trailer does speak a lot of truth about Love Actually.
Sure a Christmas Lobster makes total sense if Mary and Joseph didn’t keep kosher like the rest of us heathens.
Sorry to burst our Love Actually love fest, I do cherish this movie – I swear — but it is kind of ridiculously awful. Check it. This isn’t the first time that the Grinch has attached this beloved favorite, Jezebel summed it up quite nicely last year.
Best Love Actually Honest Observations:
- The fluke responsible for every bad about a dozen famous people falling in love on a popular holiday (Looking at you Valentine’s Day)
- Pulp fiction for girls stuffed with 8 different plot lines that are creepy and depressing when you actually stop to think about them
- …Wait, is that Rick?
- These two uncomfortable stand-ins on the highest budget p*rno of all time
What are your most favorite ridiculous part of this “holiday” classic? Which dozen famous people falling in love is the best/worst?
P.S. I hate Uncle Jamie