*Counterpoint post to Lorena’s fabulous “Cumberbatch Engaged and I’m Not Even Mad“
Ok, maybe “mad” is the wrong word but come on Benedict Cumberbatch, we were supposed to meet this summer at Comic Con and the Dreamworks publicists screwed it up! Clearly, if we had met, you would have dropped everything and wanted to be with me forever, Comic Con be damned.
Since fate has ruined our perfect love story forever, you’ve decided to seal the deal with some super classy lady named Sophie Hunter and tell everyone via an old timey newspaper announcement like goddamn gentleman, I’ll just be over here wailing and gnashing my teeth.. To say the internet (and myself) let out a collective anguished cry would be an understatement.
Here’s how we all took the news:
I beg to differ Bullett Media!!! I BEG.TO.DIFFER. Maybe he wasn’t going to marry YOU but he was definitely going to marry ME! A person he’s never heard of or met before. THANKYOUVERYMUCH.
Listen Buzzfeed, we don’t appreciate your glibness in the face of sorrow and impending spinsterhood.
That’s more like it E! Online, thank you for respecting this sad time.
Republicans surge and Benedict Cumberbatch engaged. I’m going to bed.
— Carol Dahmen (@sactotrixie) November 5, 2014
Clearly, Carol is one of us. .
“…a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of ovaries cried out in lust and were suddenly silenced” #cumberbatch — Teàrlag Coillear (@cutteroo) November 5, 2014
That sound might also be the Chipotle I had for lunch, so… ….
When I heard Benedict Cumberbatch is getting married. pic.twitter.com/sIWA11KMy2 — Miss Chanandler Bong (@IGotSherlocked) November 5, 2014
: I am very happy for #BenedictCumberbatch while at the same time dying on the inside…I wish #BenedictAndSophie all the best 🙂 — mysha nefarious (@mnefariousl) November 5, 2014
She’s much nicer than I am
Benedict cumberbatch is engaged! pic.twitter.com/FMoqSFFelT
— Jill sowell (@jillsowell155) November 5, 2014
How I feel towards Benedict Cumberbatch’s engagement announcement. pic.twitter.com/29cLHruBMD — Christine Cardema (@chrstncrdm) November 5, 2014
I also had Hagen-Daaz for lunch. Caramel Cone is good for the broken hearted.
this morning my roommate cried in my arms bc she had just found out that benedict cumberbatch got engaged
— Neil DeGrace Tyson (@GGGMONEYYY) November 5, 2014
If I had a roomie this would have been their tweet. . .
I now hate Benedict Cumberbatch for being engaged. Ugh. =/ — fat yvonne (@von161) November 5, 2014
Ugh, the fall from grace is SO real. All the studios everywhere shed a tear.
seriously still mad about benedict cumberbatch. IM ALREADY TOO OLD TO BE A SECOND WIFE
— sarah james (@cryingbaseball) November 5, 2014
THIS! . .
Benedict Cumberbatch is engaged pic.twitter.com/lRVxS272z9 — Delaney G (@DelaneyGriff) November 5, 2014 .
Benedict Cumberbatch announced his engagement. Martin Freeman’s going to be really pissed after two years, when he finds out about this. — Akshar (@AksharPathak) November 5, 2014
Some of us can have a laugh and a cry on the inside We just gotta suck it up:
Happy engagement, Benedict Cumberbatch. So happy for you. pic.twitter.com/SAqaxavGlL — Emma Moyer (@EmmaMoyer) November 5, 2014
Minus Ed Sheeran:
“@BuzzFeedUK: We’ll be OK pic.twitter.com/hfUgxwPAyc” #TomHiddleston #BenedictCumberbatch
— Priscila de Gracia (@prisciladgracia) November 5, 2014
At least we still have Tom Hiddleston. PLEASE TOM, the fandom is begging you, we need at least a year to lick our wounds and heal, don’t do ANYTHING drastic until we meet you next year. AT THE EARLIEST. PUH-LEASE.