Oh heeey, Barnaby Edwards! I see you inside that Dalek!
The Doctor Hates Daleks—Why is this news?
Lorena: So, the big theme of this episode was around the Doctor hating Daleks and Clara calling him out as racist for it. Then it came back to bite him in the ass when the Dalek is “healed” by relating to the Doctor’s hatred of Daleks because Daleks relate to hate as a baseline thing. What I don’t get is how the hell this is a new concept?
Emily: Not going to lie i’m lost with all the daleks are gone, the daleks are back, the daleks are erased from time, the doctor is erased from the daleks, the daleks are bad the daleks are good, the daleks are your servant… They make good villains and I’m just glad the good/bad dalek is on its way to kill all the others.
Hey you Horndog Haters, DW Has a New Hottie for you
Lorena: Holy crap! Forget Noel Clarke (okay, I could never forget him—you heard me squee when he appeared in Star Trek Into Darkness, right? Because I was that excited) and Arthur Darvill, Samuel Anderson is holy hell hotness! So long goofy, casually attractive boyfriends of companions and HELLO Danny Boy!
Emily: HAHA! When Noel Clarke came on screen I said Micky Mick Mickster! and then OH Mickey, the Doctor will not be happy you blew a hole in London! But Mr. Pink, yes indeed you are exactly some great new eye candy!
Lorena: How does that Aerosmith song go? “Pink is my new expression! With Pink, there’s not even a question!” That’s about how I’m feeling in regards to Mr. Danny Pink. UNF. Someone Union Jack this guy pronto!
Lorena: SIDENOTE: Noel Clarke totally directed a film that came out this year starring himself and Ian Somerhalder with appearances by Luke Hemsworth. I vote this 3 times worth viewing!
Emily: How do I not know about this movie?!
Lorena: It got terrible reviews… but then again, so did Twilight 😉
Let’s Talk Lady Killers
Lorena: This line about how Danny’s a lady killer kind of rubbed me the wrong way. It comes right after we learned he killed a civilian and then he cries about doing so… which makes me only think that he killed a woman. While I don’t think Danny is 1. a lady killer in the sense of getting all the chicks (um, he could not pick up any females in the episode to save his life despite them all throwing themselves at him!) or 2. a serial killer of females, I still am unclear why the guy introduced him as such.
Emily: I’m going to throw a weird out there theory out there… Journey was the pilot of the future ship right? And she had just lost her brother… and I rewound and looked and I didn’t see, could Danny Pink actually be Journey’s brother who died in the fight w/ the Dalek? But just plopped back somewhere where he fell through time? I thought maybe he was crying because he lost his sister? I was actually focused on trying to learn more about him that I missed the whole “lady killer” part… but your assessment is correct. With me all things revert to Harry Potter or Doctor Who… Killing someone rips a part of your soul. In our brief meeting of Mr. Pink, he is no Voldemort. He is remorseful and I can’t wait to learn more about him.
Lorena: Interesting theory… I don’t think it’s the case, we did see the brother’s face, but I checked the credits and no actor is credited for that role…
If the lady killer comment wasn’t so closely aligned with the revelation that Danny has killed an innocent, then I think I wouldn’t be bothered by it. By it still is bothering me…. #bothered
Emily: Also, while I have never seen Reservoir Dogs I keep thinking Steve Buscemi is going to show up!
Lorena: Ha! We’d have to pull James Moran back the writer queue if we’re gonna go all Tarantino up in here. He’s all dark humour meets horror. He did write Fires of Pompeii though…all things are possible!
Tinker, Tailor, Solider, Doctor
Lorena: Can we talk about the soldier thing going on in this episode? I just dug that closer line where Danny says, “I thought you might have an issue with soldiers” and Clara says, “No, not me.” And it made me kind of excited for Danny’s character.
They’ve always pursued this whole anti-solider and anti-gun thing with the Doctor, and it’s become a bit trite. I think that so many people (in Britain for sure) are part of the military or at least are affected by it, and I know it’s this way in the U.S., so it’s always been odd that military has been portrayed this way in Doctor Who. And often it’s only modern or future military—WWII military is just fine with the Doctor. I’m well excited for this turn of events portrayed in this episode.
Emily: This reminds me of “Doctor Who: Journey’s End (#4.13)” (2008) — Davros: “The man who abhors violence, never carrying a gun, but this is the truth, Doctor. You take ordinary people and you fashion them into weapons… behold your Children of Time…”
I think that being anti-soldier is kinda a bad thing these days. not to go political but even if you don’t agree in any war that whatever country you live in is fighting, you don’t hate the soldiers who signed up to defend the country. You support them, even if you don’t support the war.
Lorena: Don’t hate the player, hate the game kind of thing. I think that Danny is meant to become a companion, or at the very least incredibly recurring, and I’m hoping that he (through Clara) becomes the key to softening the Bottle Opener. With Clara’s departure in Christmas, I wonder if Danny will stay on? Would be nice to have a male companion for a bit.
Emily: A male companion would be interesting! But I think it goes back to the first doctor! His granddaughter was his first companion and he also grabbed her two teachers from what school? Yeah, that’s what I thought 😉 throw back? There’s something about the school, and I wonder if PC’s doctor will ever mention it?
Lorena: I hope so! Good old Ian Chesterton! Haha, but he was a bit pigheaded. There was even a TARDIS-only episode about that, good stuff back in early ’64.
Tea Time With Missy
Lorena: I’m still on board with our Rani theory, but am not entirely sure how this week’s revelation of all people who die by the Doctor go to Missy fits into it. I’m a little not into guessing because… yeah.
Emily: I so agree… too many hypothosizings that I can’t even sort them out!
Lorena: It’s Moffat, so why bother? It won’t make any sense anyway because there won’t be enough context clues. Though… this girl sacrificed herself for the Doctor’s overall cause, so maybe the clockwork guy from Deep Breath did the same (rather than the Doctor killing it)?
Emily: and we may have to wait for two seasons before it gets sorted… you know like River’s reappearance or other tie ins that take seasons to appear?
Lorena: Uggggh nooooo!!!!
Still Too Much Misogyny
Lorena: Now let’s not get over the top about this or anything, because the Doctor is the Doctor, but I am just wondering why lines about Clara’s hips exist in this episode? Just like, why is that in there at all? What did it add other than Clara deciding that this new Doctor is a dickwad brat asshole who she doesn’t have time for? I mean, come on, writers!!! Do.Better.Editing.
Emily: I have nothing else to add… i agree, some of this writing is a bit off putting. Isn’t like more than 60% of the audience female?
Lorena: Most likely. I’m sure there’ll be drop off (of both genders) based on this change in Doctor’s personality, but they’ll regain lost audience who miss the Classic non-romance Who. I just hope they get some female writers in there soon. STEVEN, I AM AVAILABLE.
Ms. Frizzle’s Coming At You, Gallifrey
Lorena: I loved the miniaturization!
Emily: So all I could imagine as I saw them being miniaturized, is the internet theory that The Magic School Bus is really a TARDIS and that Ms. Frizzle is a timelord. She’s eccentric… She puts humans in a very crazy, sometimes life threatening situations, travels in a camouflaged, bigger on the inside transport that shrinks to go inside the human body and explore.
Emily: She’s so a time lord! Others have also thought Ms. Frizzle is actually River Song. I would agree with all of these!
Lorena: Haha! I don’t know… that would mean Amy and Rory are Ms. Frizzle’s parents! Childhood ruined!
US Only or UK too?
Lorena: Okay, wtf with them “all of the sudden” being outside of the Dalek? I just ‘went with it’ cuz that’s how Doctor Who goes sometimes, but it was this critical thing where they were stuck INSIDE the Dalek and Clara thought she might die INSIDE the Dalek and yada yada yada and then they’re just OUTSIDE of the Dalek? NO! SHOW HOW THE HELL THAT HAPPENED PLEASE.
So I thought, maybe it was cut for time because of the commercial breaks in the US? UK viewers—did you have a scene where they showed how the crew got out of the Dalek and became un-miniaturized?
Emily: I think they said just hit “this button” and you’ll be transmatted out of the Dalek and return to normal size… that’s how I remember and was okay with them getting out of the Dalek, but I could be imagining things.
Lorena: Then why did Clara think she was gonna die in there?!
New TARDIS Remodel Details
Lorena: LOVED that the library is now part of the main console. But, that leaves a lingering question…
Overall Feelings on Episode
Lorena: All in all I really enjoyed this episode! It felt extremely Doctor Who to me and had some bang up dialogue in it. This Doctor is really coming into his own intense and dark place. So different from 10 and 11.
Emily: So different, like we said, Darker and a bit more intense.
Lorena: I’m comfortable with the whole Doctor stumbling in and out of Clara’s life concept because I like that it gives her this dual existence and a reason to actually not randomly die.
Emily: Right, the: I got distracted. By What? I don’t know, let’s find something… loved that line!
Lorena: Of course, if she starts dating hot teacher Mr. Pink, things will get complicated! He’s gonna have to join the TARDIS crew quite soon, I think. Hope he took Clara for a drink at a good bar… though she’s not too fussy. She wouldn’t require microbrews like I do, I bet.
What did you guys think of Into the Dalek? Was the eyestalk everything you dreamed it would be?