Spoiling Spoilers Ahead!
Another week, another vampire blood-induced dream… It’s clear that HBO has finally gotten my letter though, because Episode 2’s sex dream was hotter than hot. Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for an Eric-Jason scene?! SINCE SEASON THREE! Mmmmm. The best moment was when I’m sitting on the couch watching them chat and then saying out loud, “Oh my gosh, if they both are shirtless and makeout, I don’t really need to watch the rest of the show.” AND THEY DID!!!!!!!!!!!! (Can I get a hallelujah, people?)So, then Jason wakes up in a church pew and we’re back in Bon Temps needing to go find Arlene and Holly and whatever Sam’s knocked up girl’s name is since it’s daytime and the vampers will be asleep. Sookie finally shares that she found a dead body the night before and if they can ID the body, they might figure out where the Hep-V Attack Vamps are coming from. Our main characters leave the secondary characters behind in town to clean up Bellefleur’s (aka Merlotte’s under new ownership).
Listening to Our Needs
So, I will say that the pace of this episode was really slow! Remember last week when we were complaining about how it was all plot and no character development? Not so this week! Okay, not as much so this week… Basically we find ourselves feeling sad for Saint Alice (Port Alice?), which was completely murdered by the Hep-V Vamps, but through the eyes of our lead characters.
Each character has a specific moment that is personal to them: Sookie with the girl’s diary in which she admits to loving a vampire, Sam with the baby’s toy in the crib as he anticipates the birth of his child (who is currently imprisoned in Fangtasia’s cray cray basement from S1), Jason and Andy discussing the importance of family when they look at all the wedding photos, and Alcide in support of Sookie revisiting old feelings of love for Bill. Alcide really is the best, you guys. We should all get an Alcide for our birthday this year! This was probably my favorite segment in the show (I mean, other than the obvious; see above).
Kenya Almost Is The Best
So, when Kenya pulled out the whole, “Don’t try that NRA hillbilly crap on me” line regarding the 2nd Amendment as the mob of townspeople approached her for the police’s gun stash, I was like YEAH! (Also, this townspeople mob is so Beauty and the Beast, amirite?! When they took Adilyn and Holly’s kid and locked them up like throwing Belle and her dad in the caravan prison thing? Sooo Beauty and the Beast!)
I enjoyed this scene with Adilyn trying to protect everyone and Kenya feeling slighted one too many times by Andy due to her gender and race. I’ve wondered how long Kenya would sit quiet and not rebel, since she seems always frustrated by this situation (even though Jason’s only on the police force because he blackmailed Andy after murdering Eggs…wait, what?), and now we know! Adilyn doing the faerie light attack = awesome!
But… for the most part this storyline is super boring.
Other boring storylines we could get rid of:
Like… let’s just not with Tara’s mom, because she’s just… Always acting like this and never growing. I can’t care any more! Plus, let Tara be dead already!
The whole Andy hates Jessica (rightfully so) and Adilyn wants to protect everyone, including Jessica, and Jessica wants to “make things right” best she can. Okay, great. I don’t need to see it played out. I’d rather see Eric…
Eric’s Back
I am disappointed, guys. I mean, we foresaw something not being quite right, but now he’s all sick and wallowing? I just cannot. Eric on his deathbed is depressing. If that’s going to be the case for him, I just want everyone to die. Long sigh. But at least he’s back, and he’s not under some stupid witch spell.
So, I guess the Sookie triangle (quadrangle?) is down to just Alcide and Bill. I hope she ends up with Alcide, but she’s already heading back to Bill again and again. Hopefully her Fantagsia diary entry/flashback was sufficient to make her think, “Maybe they’re being held in light tight and has a basement dungeon Fangtasia!” Of course, knowing Sookie, she’ll head off alone to go save them. Because nothing says ‘Sookie’ like making really dangerous decisions alone when there’s no need to do so.
So what about you guys? Have you been waiting for hot sex scene with Skargsard and Kwanten for years too? Was this all you wanted and more or a little too abusive to be super hot? Tired of any storylines? Wondering why I’m still watching this show (me too!)?