Anyway, the high school cleaning closet has now become the secret makeout area for Roman and Emery and they kiss like a real teenage couple would… all the effing time with abandon. This part made me feel like they were a legit couple and that they were incredibly well cast for their on screen chemistry. They are sooo believable together, the way they light up near each other and move closer to one another without meaning to. Le sigh.
After school Emery dumps Grayson, who is PISSED and calls her out for leading him on and blah blah teenage emo boy. Later we see him joining the Red Hawks after deciding that Roman and Drake attacked him based on the security footage from the night he was kidnapped by Zoe. OKAY SERIOUSLY, CW? I just rolled my eyes. There’s literally nothing I hate more in entertainment than storylines propelled by misunderstanding and lack of ability to communicate. I find this so unrealistic and painful to watch in drama and comedy alike. Like Meet the Parents I just cannot…. No one would paint the cat!!! No one would ever do that!! Ugh. (calming down) So, will Grayson be all evil now? I don’t think he has the stomach for it, but only time will tell I suppose.
Speaking of evil, let’s talk about Cleavage Teacher for a moment. Okay, first someone heard us because her boobs were less in your face this episode, yet she was still in a super tight mini at a family holiday celebration? NO! Ugh. It was more acceptable at least since by that point we knew she was evil and acting as a teacher just to get close to the Atrians and steal their magic goods for her Evil Big Pharma company. Yeah, that’s right, Cleavage Teacher works in pharmaceuticals and Big Pharma is still incredibly evil and shady in 2024. Hm, how can I get this person to cooperate with me? Oh, I know, I will threaten to murder her father in an untraceable way… because she’s only had leukemia her entire life, not like she’s had to deal with shitty things happening before. SCREW YOU, CLEAVAGE TEACHER! Leave Julia alone. So yeah, she is an epic baddie. Way worse than the trags and the red hawks. At least they are fighting for their sense of justice. She is fighting for profits. I hope she dies an extremely painful death of black cyper.
Also, lesson learned guys: if an internship seems to good to be true, you’re probably being set up for horrific blackmail.
But let’s move on to the other happenings in this episode…
Tyler Lockwood’s Mom Is Still A Bitch
Not sure why I didn’t realize this was Susan Walters (aka Mrs Lockwood) before now, maybe it was the hair/wig? Anyway, WHOA WOMAN, chill out. If you were so against having humans over for Dinaskyu then you should have communicated that more clearly right up front before the plans were made. Do you disrespect your own children so much that you can’t trust them to be capable of making sound character judgements about others? Why the heck did you marry Nox anyway if you had so little in common with him?!! Plus you’re directly disrespecting your own brother as well with this immature behavior. And you don’t even know that your husband was having sex with a human and had love child with her! So what are you so freaking hateful about, lady?!
And then after your daughter calls you out and tells you, “Hey, btw, this chick you just laid into actually saved your son’s life ten years ago. So maybe you should check yourself before you wreck yourself, mom.” All you can do is say, “Oh.” Yeah, OH!!! Maybe you should shut the hell up before making crass judgements about these two human kids who have never had anything going their direction, lady. #cannot
I Wanna Snuggle Drake Even Harder
Oh man, his expression when he saw his mom?! I died. Seriously though, this was a great storyline for Drake. I also liked how they portrayed Vega in this episode as being more compassionate than we originally thought. I love having gray characters. Black and white characters are booooring.
I’m fairly positive that Teri’s ears were pulled beyond repair after this scene wrapped. I also thought for a moment that Drake might cry this episode. When he was lying to Taylor about what happened to Zoe last episode I thought Greg Finley was amazing. This episode he managed to keep in character while still portraying his vulnerabilities in a convincing way. When he was saying goodbye to his mom’s drawing on the Remembrance Wall, I was so sad for him. I didn’t think he’d really have to leave (um, NO! Greg Finley cannot leave the show!!) but I wasn’t sure what would happen.
His heart to heart with Roman endeared me to both of them. I do think Vega was just playing Roman the whole time in order to get Drake’s mom back and ultimately bring down Castor as Ikson, but I still love that she was able to reunite family on their holiday that celebrates family. A much more meaningful gesture than integration of humans into their holiday. Well done Gloria for letting it happen. What the longterm consequences will be for the Humans… hm.
Not Okay in my book? Torturing Prisoners
But talking about Drake’s mom so much brings up something that’s been bothering me about this show since the episode where the trags kidnapped Grayson. Both Zoe and Drake’s parents are being held prisoners in the Crate, and when Zoe learned that they were demanding her mom’s release, it was the only time we saw her ability to emote (well, emote anything besides cool headed hatred). This episode we learn that the humans are torturing the Atrians in the prison by dehydrating them, basically what happens when you take a frog out of moisture for a prolonged period of time. You know what isn’t okay in 2014 and probably will still not be okay in 2024? Torturing prisoners.
What I cannot understand is why there isn’t protest. Perhaps it’s too early in the integration cycle, but if Emery can stand up about the homecoming event, then she better get her act together and start protesting the prolonged holding of Atrian prisoners without due process or trial not to mention the continued torture within the prison setting. Why is Gloria so passive in her leadership role? Why is no one but the trags fighting for this? Where are the peaceful protests? Where are the sit-ins? Where is the picketing Washington and the Capitol — they live right outside Baton Rouge, which last I checked is the capital of Louisiana!! What are these people with vested interest in the Atrians doing?! It is not enough to idly sit by.
So, CW Writers, get after it. Your story lines will fall apart if you don’t introduce an opposition to violence that is peaceful and political. You have plenty of civil rights movements to choose from as models. In fact just last year more civil rights were granted to the LGBT community. Clearly the Montrose family cannot run for office any longer, so find a replacement for that role and make them the opposite of a red hawk. Gloria could be a good option… just saying!
Atrian Looks Good on You, Emery
How adorably BSG was she all suited up and covered in markings? I loved it. Almost made me wish they’d casted her as Atrian and Roman as human… Anyway, this scene was super cool! I had read an interview with Aimee Teegarden, so I knew it was coming, but not exactly how. I hope we get to see a little more of it next week, as the preview made it look like the main topic would be Castor’s betrayal. Love that they were all about to avoid Earth… Dun dun dun!
Also, can we talk a moment about how cute Emery’s dress was in the opening scene but WTF was the off the shoulder sweater thing?!! If anyone knows where I can get this dress, please comment 🙂