Today I got an e-mail with a link to this web pilot a friend of a friend is trying to get off the ground about “Tinder” dating in New York City. It’s not a 30 second video, but I had nothing to do (except work) so I watched the whole thing. And am so glad I did.
If you need a few reasons why to take a real quick 19:05 break from your day I’ve outlined why I love this video below. And I know! I felt the same way! I don’t have time for a 2 min video let alone 19:05! (Unless of course we’re talking Frozen covers, cat videos & Rob Pattinson interviews circa 1998-2011. Then I have approx 1.5-2 hours per day)
But trust me- this one is worth staying a few extra minutes at work/getting in a few less Facebook stalk minutes (speaking of that, I just went on a real quick Facebook stalk- you know the kind- and almost liked a family wedding photo from 2009 posted by, the person I was stalking’s (who i am not friends with ) MOTHER. #makingyouproud)
Push play on this one- watch for a few minutes because as insufferable as the guy is, you won’t suffer looking at him. Then you can just listen and go back to almost liking photos posted by the mother of that guy you met once at camp in 9th grade.
Moments I loved
- His calling martinis “Tinis”- obviously a staple in my vocabulary from now on
- How she OF COURSE works on a food blog & lives in Brooklyn
- The “Stronger than the Storm” reference around 9:50. WATCH THIS for all you non east coasters
- How he does the exercise “All the twilight guys are doing” around 10:55
- How it makes ME want to walk out on the date and I’m not even on it.
- But I most love when she starts to play along. She is my New York dating hero!
This video makes me so glad that I found my man when I was younger and also slightly disappointed to not have dated in the Tinder age because I could have had FUN with this.
Also DO people drink Rosé after labor Day? I have no idea, and I’d never want to embarrass myself…!
{obviously I found the actor/director on Facebook (and his mom*) but I cannot find him on Twitter or any social appropriate to share}
*or am I?