A lot of people would argue turning on ABC on Monday night at 8 pm was the first mistake. Understandable. But this season was full of hope. I thought Juan Pablo, being the show’s first Latino bachelor and the first person with any kind of cultural diversity, would bring a new dynamic to the otherwise dry character of the show. Wrong.
Juan Pablo turned out to be, in my opinion, a dud. But this is old news. If you are reading this I am going to assume you watched the episodes this week. We’ve all read the articles. Andi left this week with very good reasons. She pointed out that Juan Pablo lacked interest in her, talked about himself the whole time during their overnight date, was disrespectful and proved that he knew nothing about her. [Not that surprising given the lack of conversation he’s had with all the women the entire season.]
Still, I feel like a parent who just lost respect for their child. I am disappointed in you, Juan Pablo. I’m not mad, I just thought you were better than that. I thought you wanted a deep connection with someone. I thought you wanted a step-mother for your daughter. I think he proved to us week after week that he wasn’t up for much talking just lots of tonsil hockey.
This makes me wonder about his relationships with the two remaining women, Nikki and Clare. Do they feel the same way as Andi? Does Juan Pablo actually know them? Do they care that he may not be invested in their thoughts, opinions and feelings, you know, the things that make them a human being? While I am not too fond of either of them, I do hope they find some form of true happiness. Unfortunately for them, I don’t think it’ll be with Juan Pablo.
Just in case Juan Pablo hasn’t made up his mind about who he is going to propose to yet, here are some things for Clare and Nikki to ponder.
5 things to do instead of marrying Juan Pablo:
robert pattinson
- Stay single forever. I really think you’ll be better off.
- Hold your breath until they announce Andi as the next Bachelorette. (and hate yourself for getting to spots #1 and #2 because she’s going to have the REAL fame)
- Read these reviews for Haribo Sugarless Gummy Bears. So much funnier than Juan Pablo
- Scare yourself shitless by reading stories of really creepy things that children have said. Still better than marrying Juan Pablo.
- Watch 5 episodes of Friday Night Lights in a row and obsess over Timmy Riggins. It’ll help you sleep at night.
What would you rather do than marry Juan Pablo?
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Written by Rachael
Rachael would like you to ignore the fact that she grew up in the middle of Mennonite-ville Pennsylvania and focus on the fact that she’s Latin-American at heart. From food to dancing to the boys (duh), Rach loves Latin culture. She has spent time living in both Bolivia and Costa Rica & currently resides in the City of Brotherly Love (Philadelphia). She loves cats and loves to run (just don’t ask where she’s going if she veers off the road while running) Also her sister runs this site & therefore wrote this bio for her.