A couple weeks later I was on a flight to England and the free in-flight entertainment had episode 1 of Broadchurch. SCORE! So, I settled in for it at 30,000 feet over the Atlantic and ended up ugly sobbing for about 30 minutes. Yeah, it was hot.
But they only had episode 1!! UGH! I told myself to forget about it and rent it once the series came out on DVD and enjoy my precious time abroad, which definitely included getting my David Tennant fix (more on that in another post). Of course I couldn’t help myself and ended up asking every one of my British friends if they happened to have it on their DVR. Nope! Only one person had even seen it and luckily didn’t give it away because on my flight home, the in-flight entertainment was way more comprehensive (same airline, which is weird, right?)…and… they had THE WHOLE SEASON!
Naturally I marathoned over the Atlantic for 7 hours of Broadchurch intensity. It’s not like a comedic, light watch or anything. I even avoided alcohol to lower the effects of me ugly crying in front of the super trendy kind-of-looks-like-a-supermodel girl next to me. No alcohol is commitment, guys, especially considering how disastrously turbulent that flight was. The show is really, really freaking good.
But now I’m faced with the ever present UK show dilemma: No one here has seen Broadchurch! I already did the four emails exchange with my coworker who recommended it, but we’re not exactly close enough to have a *real* discussion about it. So, I’m hoping one of you guys has seen it… Anyone? Let me know. Because I’m still kind of disturbed by it all and I really think I need to talk it out with someone like I had to with Hunger Games (I cried for about 3 hours straight after seeing that film. Children being forced to murder each other is SO UPSETTING! I’m actually not seeing Catching Fire because of how long it took me to recover from HG).
So, please, anyone, if you’ve seen Broadchurch or are in the middle of watching it, or know where Americans can watch it now (is it on Netflix?), I’m begging you to come forward and help me work through this. Apparently there is going to be a sequel, so, I really need to get my shit together to be ready for it.
Man, that gif is so much sadder now post-season 3.