Doctor Who spoilers ahead! Stay away if you don’t want to be spoiled.

Hurt’s already got an upgraded Scandinavian knitting version of the Tom Baker scarf, I see potential!
As a William Hartnell fan (the first Doctor), I think I can get behind Hurt… I mean there will at least be less running! Dude is like seventy! He was Ollivander in Harry Potter and Control in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (and of course in V for Vendetta, but I’ve still not seen that). My big wonder is if he’ll really be the Doctor for long. He’s credited on IMDB for just two episodes of Doctor Who, the Series 7 finale and the 50th Anniversary Special this November. My speculation is that he’ll be alongside Matt Smith and the other Doctors in this hopefully epic geekfest 50th Anniversary episode, redeem himself for his breaking the promise of being the Doctor (or whatever dialogue Smith spouted there at the end), and then die (or go back into the time stream–same difference).
There has been a bit of speculation about Clara since her arrival in “Asylum of the Daleks”. Some are saying she’s Susan’s mom… Susan is the Doctor’s granddaughter and the first Doctor’s original companion. So… maybe this has some legs with the whole Hurt thing, given his age. Especially since we have no clue when in the time stream he falls! Sure, it’s implied he was the guy there during the Time War, but nothing has been stated. Perhaps in the Anniversary Special?
I’m also slightly worried that Clara’s run will end with the new Doctor (if it’s not actually Hurt!). Matt Smith announced June 1st that he’d be leaving the show in December after the Christmas Special. I fear Clara’s story may be fully told by that episode and she and him will be leaving together. That would be very sad because I heart her! We shall see, though. I trust Moffat and team, even if they did leave Amy on for way too long.
Based on Smith’s announcement, it seems like Hurt will just be on for the Series 7 finale and the 50th Anniversary, and then the Christmas Special will be Matt’s final Geronimo, so to speak. The cast/crew interviews are still stating that they’re on the search for a new Doctor, so Hurt’s run can’t be too terribly long, right? I just feel like Smith is going to have to regenerate for me to believe the switch as a fan. Otherwise, is he really dead? I guess you never know with Moffat though. Really, anything can happen… Remember how Rory died like a billion times?

Add in some Clara Oswin Oswald, Rose Tyler, and Kate Stewart, and this is a serious level of Geronimo meets Allons-y epic!
If they are to replace Smith/Hurt with a brand spankin’ new Doctor, I hope he’s legit cute and maybe a little older than Smith. More in the late 30s-40s range? I mean, even Tennant wasn’t hot to me until a little bit into watching…he’s got a funny looking face when you really get down to it (and that pointy little Barty Crouch Jr. tongue!). I still don’t find Smith that attractive, but Chin Boy certainly has a charm to him that will be hard to replace. Even though it gives me the sads, I can fully see why he’d want to leave the show and get on with things. Frankly, the best thing about Doctor Who is that they don’t have to off anyone in the manner of a silly Cousin Matthew car crash… I’m still recovering from that ridiculousness!
The more I dwell on Hurt’s arrival, knowing that Tennant and Billie Piper and Jemma Redgrave filmed the 50th Anniversary Special with Smith and Jenna-Louise Coleman, and there being 2 more epic episodes to come with Smith in them, the more excited I become. Some Doctor Who fans get very stubborn about change, but I think that’s the coolest bit of the show — the built-in cast changes! It keeps it fresh and fun and constantly moving forward… I say, “Allons-y, new Doctor!” Plus, new Doctor means a new score by Murray Gold, and I will always support that! Let’s just say, I can’t wait for November 23rd!
What did you think about the Season finale? Who do you want to see replace Matt Smith?
Written by Lorena
Lorena’s current obsessions: Chobani Greek yogurt in passion fruit flavor, floppy eared dogs, Klauroline, visiting Thailand, Clara’s theme song, Stanley Cup Playoffs, DWFO (for real amazing!), taking sneaky photos of hot guys on the subway, my sage green skinny jeans, french horns, Tom Hiddleston’s laugh, Tillamook cheese, and Ben Foster (the orchestrator, not the goalie or the actor).