A few days ago I sat down to watch an advanced screening of a little flick about the undead and love and kicking ass in a time of cholera a Zombie virus outbreak, called “Warm Bodies.” What I’m going to say next might be a little shocking… As I sat there watching it, I thought “Man, I need to get this book, I want to read this, I want to know more about this creep.” Want to know the last time that happened? Yup, seeing the trailer for Twilight. Now, if you know anything about the history of us and That’s Normal, than you know me saying that is kind of a big deal. It might have also been the fact they included music from Springsteen and Bob Dylan and M83 among others but ya know I still thought it.
Since Zombies are the new Vampires I had a lot to learn and learn I did from Warm Bodies:
Things I’ve learned from Warm Bodies
1. Zombies have FANTASTIC taste in music. It doesn’t matter that they’re undead, eat brains and can’t really form full sentences, they can spin vinyl that’ll make you weak.
2. I was told before watching the film that most of the dialogue takes place in the head of the main character/Zombie and I wondered how the heck that would work since this is a FILM. But oddly enough it totally did. And it was actually quite funny and interesting.
3. Teresa Palmer, the female lead, looks exactly like a blond Kristen Stewart. I don’t mean to ruin it for you but just expect it so you’re not wondering why blond Bella is wandering around in a Zombie apocalypse where her dad is John Malkovich and not in fact Billy Burke.
4. John Malkovich is creepy no matter what film he’s in.
5. Zombies are funny. IMDB officially describes this as a “Horror / Comedy” which I will now call “Horromedy.” But really, it’s quite funny, in that dark, Dexter-is-a-serial-killer-but-cracks-fantastic-jokes sorta way.
6. It doesn’t take a gabillion dollars to make CGI look fantastic or scary. The “Bonies” (the bad guys) are creepy and scary and don’t look like a freshman film student’s final project.
7. Ladies, Nicholas Hoult makes the undead look surprisingly appealing. Even with the black, chapped lips and the brain eating thing and the weird eyes, I was kind of digging it. This of course could be because of the music again. I mean he played Bob Dylan. My powers are useless against that kind of prowess.
I really think you could take a guy to this, there are Zombies, girls, a dude who can’t really communicate but eats brains, some ass kicking and some romanctical moments. Ok, it won’t be like he WANTS to go but you can barter with him, you’ll go see Star Wars VII whenever that comes out if he goes to see this with you. And you will win because you (not so) secretly like Star Wars and want to see it anyway! So done and done. Also, do yourself a favor and DON’T watch the trailer because they pretty much give away EVERYTHING. Also, it’s kind of terrible anyway because they make it look mediocre and snoozeville. Kind of like, if I had seen the trailer before the movie I probably wouldn’t have seen it in the theaters. So here’s hoping they recut that thing ASAP. Go in on this review and nothing else. Trust me.