We promised Christina Lauren, Kresley Cole and Alice Clayton free booze and AC if they played a game with us and told us about their latest books.
SDCC 2014: Panels & Burritos
I mean, it’s right there in the title, pretty much. Elise talks panels she’s attending and burritos she’s consuming at SDCC ’14.
Boozy Book Club #10: Not a Drop to Drink RECAP
Check out the highlights from our 10th Boozy Book Club all about Not a Drop to Drink and Sweet Filthy Boy. PLUS find out what we’re reading in JUNE!
That’s Normal does BEA 2014 {Book Expo America}
WE WENT TO BEA 2014 (well Bekah did) and learned SO much!
Boozy Book Club: Not a Drop to Drink (plus a ReadAlong!)
Tonight we’re starting our first ever twitter read along with Not a Drop to Drink! Use the hashtag #BoozyReadAlong