The French say “Au revoir” which doesn’t mean goodbye. It means until we meet again.

Patricia Thomas, Contributor
Current Obsessions: Superheroes of the Marvel variety. Vikings. Mead. Bearded men (see also Vikings). The beach. Watching too much tv. Spends time pinning things that she will never have time to do. Because she is too busy Tweeting.
Knives Out Trailer is Giving Me All the Clue Feels
Rian Johnson’s Knives Out is making Patricia nostalgic for Clue the movie.
My Happy Place – Netflix’s Somebody Feed Phil
Somebody Feed Phil should be called Phil Makes Everyone Happy.
Ace Comic Con – The Good, The Bad and The Toms
Ace Comic Con was a great time and has given us the greatest gift – The Toms.
Proof that CBeebies Bedtime Stories are for Grown Ups
When you can’t sleep and want some one to read to you, CBeebies bedtime stories comes to the rescue! It’s not just for kids.