We look at the underside of Wednesday Preview Night at Comic-con!

Nikki Pierce, Co-Founder
Nikki’s Current Obsessions: Using Elton John lyrics as my Tagline. Dogs. Jon Snow. Hello Kitty. Game of Thrones. Saying a/s/l before starting a chat with a friend. The word “myello.” Vampires. That guy in that band. Stalk me @itshowtimenikki everywhere!
Happy Fourth of July from That’s Normal!
Chances are we’ll all off somewhere bbq-ing, watching fireworks, or doing something fun with family or friends… so you may never see this. If you are reading this and not celebrating this American holiday, we want to say thank you for reading and being a part of our tribe. Now go out and have a […]
TN Beauty: Travel Beauty Product must-haves!
All my favorite travel beauty products, pint-size and ready for your suitcase!
Reviews & Tips: I Watched 3 Movies In The Theater In 1 Day
My review of Godzilla, Aladdin, Booksmart and HOW I made it through three movies at the theater in one day.
Watch This: The Boy Band Con on YouTube Premium
Here’s a shocker: I’m telling you to watch The Boy Band Con… cause there’s NSYNC and true crime involved… and nsync…