Cary Elwes joins the cast of Stranger Things for Season 3 and I’m going all fangirl.

Leanne Breiholz
Leanne is a wife, mother of 2 and stay at home writer. Her work has been featured at, The Huffington Post and My Wandering Uterus an anthology due out in 2018. She is currently avoiding writing a memoir of her summer as an exchange student. Follow her nowhere, because that would be stalking, as she does not tweet, blog or insta. She doesn’t even own a smartphone!
AMC’s Dietland: A Revolution Lacking Bite
Slow pacing, confused content and a tendency toward camp may just derail this train to revolution.
Deadpool 2: Everything You Would Expect from the Man in Red and Then Some
Deadpool would like you to know that “family” is not a f-word.
Sarai Walker’s Dietland Is Coming to AMC
Vigilante feminists, an underground sisterhood and body image all play a central role in the new series Dietland, coming June 4th to AMC.
Why I’m Not Watching Reboots
Let’s boot the reboot. I already saw it in high school, don’t make me go back there.