Chances are your DVR is filled with Adele performances. Julie gives you a run down of the Best of Adele TV, so you can make room in your DVR for all those Christmas Hallmark movies.
Julie Perino, Features Writer
Julie’s Current Obsessions: Sangria. Anything Outlander. Reading great books more than once. Jimmy Fallon. J Crew Factory deals. Red Lipstick. The Civil Wars (R.I.P.). Atticus Finch. Taylor Swift’s 1989. Anthropologie. Dancing and not caring who sees. Instagram photo filters. Target’s Mossimo skinny jeans. Attempting French. Men’s forearms (don’t ask). Not getting over How I Met Your Mother’s series finale. The Twilight Soundtracks (yep, all of them). Audrey Hepburn. Find her on Twitter @julep0405
Confessions: I’ve Become a Pop Music Junkie
Julie discovered the pop music station on ITunes Radio and didn’t completely hate everything she heard.
The End of 2015: The Best Is Yet To Come
The year is almost over, but Julie’s looking at what’s in store for the final few weeks of 2015.
Costume Drama: Quick Costume Ideas
With less than 24 hours from Halloween, Julie runs down some quick costume ideas to rock when you’re eating fun sized candy bars.
Required Reading: Twilight in the Classroom
With Twilight turning 10, Julie looks back on how it forever changed her teaching game.