As a wise reader once said, “a woman’s TBR is never finished.” So we’re here to help you with that.

Emily Leyland, Book Editor
Emily is an interior designer by day, proudly lazy book nerd by night. When not talking aloud to her cat, Luna (named after the Luna you're thinking of, hopefully), she can be found scrolling through Netflix for hours, until finally giving up and snuggling in bed with her kindle because she's already watched all of the good stuff. Her claims to fame are that one time she killed Bohemian Rhapsody at karaoke, and her Scottish accent impression.
#TNReads: Real Quick Reviews for Lazy Readers featuring Jenn Bennett
There are only 3 books today, but they all sound AMAZING and their covers have the same general color scheme so I think it’s pretty much fate…
Read This: Red, White & Royal Blue
Red, White & Royal Blue is Emily L’s (first) favorite book of the year! Unless she’s already said that this year…
#TNReads: Real Quick Reviews for Lazy Readers featuring S.K. Ali
TBR list getting lean? We’ve got some new additions for you!
All the Game of Thrones Podcasts You Could Possibly Want
If one hour a week of Game of Thrones isn’t enough for you, Emily L has about 6 hours of additional content a week for you to check out.