Your Boozy Book Club February 2018 picks are…

Emily Leyland, Book Editor
Emily is an interior designer by day, proudly lazy book nerd by night. When not talking aloud to her cat, Luna (named after the Luna you're thinking of, hopefully), she can be found scrolling through Netflix for hours, until finally giving up and snuggling in bed with her kindle because she's already watched all of the good stuff. Her claims to fame are that one time she killed Bohemian Rhapsody at karaoke, and her Scottish accent impression.
Marching On: Women’s March 2018
Emily L went to her local Women’s March for the second year in a row. She recharged her feminist card and is ready to take on 2018.
Binge Watch This: Black Mirror
The 4th season of Black Mirror is on Netflix! You’re only 6ish hours away from throwing your phone against the room in revolt of technology!
A Movie for Every Mood: Christmas Edition
We know that Christmas cheer doesn’t always come easy so here are some Christmas movies for every mood.
Everybody Loves an Anti-Hero
It’s good to be bad…vicariously. So we’ve put together some of our favorite reads featuring anti-heroes. Read these books and get down with your bad self.