You think you know an actor, and then he bowls you over in a role you didn’t expect to love. Tell me everything Matthew Goode.

Beth Thorne, Editorial Team
Current Obsessions: Fantasy novels. John Krasinski. Dr Pepper in a can. Melina Marchetta. Her daughters. Edinburgh. The Captive Prince fandom. Her husband in Carharrt’s. James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser. New words. Making friends on Twitter. SUMMATIME.
Beth took 3 years of Latin in high school and now speaks fluent pretension, which fully explains her current preference for gay wizard regency novels. She will roll over for a giant book with a map in the front. She takes comic book recommendations every day but Wednesday.
A Discovery of Witches Will Be Your New TV Obsession
Based on the best-selling novels by Deborah Harkness, you absolutely aren’t going to find better genre television than A Discovery of Witches.
Top Ten Moments from Outlander Episode 411: If Not For Hope
Lord John appears to save us, Brianna adopts a new speech pattern and Jamie and Claire sort of make up. Top Ten Moments from Outlander Episode 411.
Netflix & YOU: What You Need to Know
The newest show to get buzz on Netflix is You, and Netflix IS You.
So, You’re Doing the Goodreads Reading Challenge
Don’t let the new year get started in defeatist mode: conquer your Goodreads Reading Challenge from the get-go!