You can win a copy of Dating You Hating You in this post. Seriously.

Beth Thorne, Editorial Team
Current Obsessions: Fantasy novels. John Krasinski. Dr Pepper in a can. Melina Marchetta. Her daughters. Edinburgh. The Captive Prince fandom. Her husband in Carharrt’s. James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser. New words. Making friends on Twitter. SUMMATIME.
Beth took 3 years of Latin in high school and now speaks fluent pretension, which fully explains her current preference for gay wizard regency novels. She will roll over for a giant book with a map in the front. She takes comic book recommendations every day but Wednesday.
Sam Heughan Gets His Spy Movie
Sam Heughan is playing The Spy Who Dumped Me, and we are here for it.
Come With Me on this Riverdale Journey
I need some help to watch Riverdale; I can’t do this alone. I’m too old.
Stock up on tissues: the first Wonder trailer is here
I don’t really want to imagine a world where Owen Wilson and Julia Roberts co-parent, but I am excited to see Wonder.
Love Letters: A lost art regained in Way Down Deep
Charlotte Stein and Cara McKenna have regained the art of using love letters to write a romance in Way Down Deep.