It’s that time again – your summer reading is not nearly as over as your summer is. We have SIX books ready for you to burn through in this heat on this week’s #TNReads.

Beth Thorne, Editorial Team
Current Obsessions: Fantasy novels. John Krasinski. Dr Pepper in a can. Melina Marchetta. Her daughters. Edinburgh. The Captive Prince fandom. Her husband in Carharrt’s. James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser. New words. Making friends on Twitter. SUMMATIME.
Beth took 3 years of Latin in high school and now speaks fluent pretension, which fully explains her current preference for gay wizard regency novels. She will roll over for a giant book with a map in the front. She takes comic book recommendations every day but Wednesday.
Why Netflix Might Totally Get Us with Bright
Netlfix surprised us at comic-con with a very intriguing look at its upcoming original movie, Bright.
First Season 3 Outlander Trailer Is Here to Mess You Up
Starz just released the first trailer for season 3 of Outlander!!!!
A Wrinkle in Time Trailer is HERE!
Really excited for next year’s release of A Wrinkle in Time … I just have one wrinkle.
BIG OL’ GIVEAWAY of Seven Stones to Stand or Fall by Diana Gabaldon
We are giving away SO MANY COPIES of Diana Gabaldon’s latest!