Thank you for your recommendations on strollers, how I’ll never sleep again, suggestions to “get the drugs”, not get the drugs, best bottles, best nursing bras (actually my fav advice so far because these are so darn comfortable) and so much more. But what I really need to know is:
What MLM should I join now that I’m becoming a mother?
Considering the options of MLMs for Moms:
The Overprice Leggings One
I hear there are some openings in the LulaRoe Marketplace. With people-making-less-than-if-they-worked-retail hawking leggings less often than ever, there is opportunity to get back in with the company as they emerge from multiple lawsuits, a potential bankruptcy and reinvent themselves as a company much bigger than the one that accidentally made penis leggings that one time:
Sticking with the MLM Basics
Or maybe I should keep it simple and go with a safe MLM that has little-to-no controversy. I just noticed my Pampered Chef can opener is looking a little worn. Maybe I should host a party and get a bonus package of kitchen gear by signing up for my OWN Pampered Chef Business. Hey! Do they have kitchen gadgets to help with babies?
And we know I’m going to need all the help I can get with the lack of sleep coming my way for the next 18 years, so maybe becoming an Avon lady would be a good fit for me. It’s been awhile since I’ve had my “Colors” done*, and I may have transitioned from a “Warm” pallet to “Cool” as I’ve matured with age.
*or was that Mary Kay?
The ones that heal
I AM going to be a mother, so I probably should be thinking about my kid in all of this. If I got involved with one of those essential oil companies (like Young Living), I would have THE ANSWER for everything coming my way from the grimy little germ monster I’m currently cooking inside me. Whether it’s lavender for the common cold, frankincense for diaper rash or a combo of bergamot, orange, lemon and eucalypts for childhood leukemia, I will be fully prepared for whatever medical ailment life is going to throw at me. Don’t quote me on those oil combos (yet), I haven’t been properly trained.
Plus after having this baby (and all the cookies, brownies and ice cream I’m having along with it) I’m going to want to get that pre-baby bod back, and I hear Plexus has a drink for me that is definitely going to help me achieve my goals. From cleansing my gut, to curbing bloat, to balancing everything in my digestive tract, I can definitely count on them to offer something I can’t get anywhere else.
The Faith-based products
Just because I’m not actively involved in a church community now, doesn’t mean that I’m not going to want to be a part of one when I’m a mother (not to mention it would be nice to be on their meal train list). So I’m definitely throwing the faith-based companies on the list. From 31 Gifts where I can get me + baby monogrammed anything to Mary and Martha, the company featuring items that look like they came from Home Goods but actually support small business owners instead, there are so many options from faith-based companies.
Heck, if I can get my partner involved, we might even be able to join the OG Christian MLM- AMWAY!
So, what do you think I should do? Does one of the above mentioned MLMs sound like “me?” Have you heard of anything new I should get in on the ground floor? What MLM would you like me to tell you about when I slide into your DMs on Twitter a few months from now, uninvited?
Just a reminder that Everyone hates your MLM. They aren’t small businesses, 99% of them fail and constantly asking your friends and family to support your endeavor is just not how real business-building works. I am fully and wholeheartedly supportive of women who work to support their families, and I completely sympathize with the fact that many traditional jobs aren’t set up in a way for you to be with your kids and make a living. But MLMs aren’t the answer. You’d be better off flushing your money down the toilet. Start a real business. Find a women-run business that offers flex time. Become a virtual assistant and work from home. Read our entire series on why Everyone Hates your MLM if you haven’t been convinced yet.