That’s all about to change. I’m going to be writing a lot about make-up and beauty products in the coming months but first, I want to start out with five products everyone should have in their life. I’m talking about five essential products for every single person on this planet. Do the products have to be the exact ones I love? No, but I mean my recommendations are amazing, so you stray at your own risk. Also, all my products can be found at the drugstore, so you know, bonus points for affordability, am I right?
Regardless of the season, if I leave my house, I wear sunscreen. I am extremely fair skinned and get freckles and moles easily. Also, skin cancer runs in my family thicker than our love of crabs and beer (I’m from Maryland, it’s a whole ass MOOD here).
I can’t wear make-up products with SPF in them, they break me out like no one’s business. Instead, I use the Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Body Mist Sunscreen (in SPF 100, I really wasn’t kidding about needing to maintain my vampire status). This mist is lightweight, super easy to apply, and doesn’t leave me feeling greasy.
There is nothing worse in this world than having super dry lips and not having any chapstick in sight. Ok, maybe there are a few worse things, but you know what I’m saying. Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Swivel Stick is my all time favorite lip balm. I keep one on my nightstand, one in my make-up bag, and one in my purse. It’s a huge stick and lasts a really long time, it doesn’t give me that weird white line on my lips that some products leave behind and it’s a great pre-liquid lip balm.
I am not a fan of fragranced body lotions for many reasons. The number one reason is that my skin hates fragrances and number two is that my head hates fragrances as well. So, my go-to lotion is Aveeno’s Daily Moisturizing Lotion. It’s unscented, not greasy, and comes in a bunch of different sizes so I can a big one in my bathroom and a little one for my purse. This lotion is super gentle on the skin and absorbs quickly, so if you’re like me and you wear leggings 99% of the time you can put this lotion on and then put your leggings on without having to wait for the lotion to soak into your skin. Please, someone, tell me I’m not the only person who has struggled to put leggings on freshly lotioned legs.
Face Wash and Lotion
It has taken me a shameful amount of years to finally find a face wash and lotion that my entire face agrees with. “What the hell does that mean, Laura?”
Well, some washes were really kind to my dry skin but hated my oily t-zone. Some were good for my combo skin but not so nice to my sensitive skin, leaving me red and stingy feeling. Others would break me out altogether. After way too many years and even more money wasted trying to find products that worked, I found CeraVe.
CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser is the perfect cleanser for my combo and sensitive skin. It doesn’t have fragrances, doesn’t break me out, and doesn’t leave my skin itchy and tight feeling. I use this on my face, neck, and chest (my neck and chest just enjoy to break out and ruin my day).
For face lotion, I use two different products. The Skin Renewing Cream Serum is a great lightweight lotion that keeps my face bright, hydrated, and feeling soft.
I also love using the Skin Renewing Night Cream as well. It’s a lot thicker and the only drawback is remembering to put it on my face at least 10 minutes before putting my head on my pillow. Otherwise, my face kind of sticks to my pillow and that’s just weird.
As a side note, in case no one ever told you, ALWAYS put your face lotion and creams on your throat as well. You’ll thank me in about 20 years.
You think I’m joking, but I’m not. Water is the nicest thing you can do for yourself. Your skin needs that hydration and your organs would super appreciate it too. I’m not saying you have to drink like a ton of water a day, but I am saying you should swap out some of that coffee with a glass of water.
Trust me, I’m an Internet Blogger.