Oh, and there’s like these weird frozen zombie guys that are coming and no one seems to be too pressed about that, except for this one guy who seems pretty cool and like maybe he’d make a good ruler to sit on the weird chair, but alas, will probably die. Again.
Oh, and there’s this whole weird incest thing that’s kind of been going on since literally the first episode and yet at this point most people really like the brother involved and seem to have forgiven him for sexing it up with his sister but at the same time everyone judges THE SHIT out of his sis for being totes in love with her brother but also totes in love with that pointy chair of doom.
Oh, and there are dragons. Like, legit dragons.
Basically, when it comes to Game of Thrones, the most important thing to remember is this: you gonna die. Even if you don’t want to sit on the throne, you’ll probably still die.
So, in preparation of the eighth and final season (but can we seriously call six episodes of a show a whole ass season?!?) I asked Team Normal who they thought would win the Game of Thrones, but wrong answers only.
Here’s what we came up with:
Danelle: Ned Stark, reincarnated.
Elise: Ghost
Emily L: Jaqen H’ghar, He was actually everyone.
Janna: Uncle Benjen, because he always shows up when you least expect him.
Jamie C: Ramsy Bolton, The Night King reanimated the parts of him that the dogs threw up.
Also Jamie C: Olenna Tyrell. Jamie didn’t really poison her so she’s just been chilling at Highgarden waiting for everyone else to kill each other.
Lorena: Sansa and Little Finger’s baby. She’ll be showing this season, just you wait, Chaos isn’t a pit; chaos is a ladder for winter to climb and a little dove to fly from.
Bekah: I will.
Also Janna: I’m also hoping for a crossover, quite honestly.
Emily A: DJ Hodor
Leanne: Duke, oh wait, they lost in the second to last round.
Tiffany: Voldemort
Nikki: This bitch, cause she’s still the best gif response ever.
Laura: Me. Duh.