We should have a fun same for the occasion, but I can’t think of a good one. “Innies” has already been taken by belly buttons. What can we do to celebrate? Here are a few of my ideas, and I’d love to hear some of yours.
Discover how introversion is a strength
Susan Cain’s book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking was recommended to me, and it was such a pleasure to read. Probably the most well known and most often cited book on the subject, I highly recommend it to any introvert, or an extrovert who may be looking to understand their loved ones a little better. Every few pages there is a description of what it’s like to be an introvert in a society that’s geared toward extroversion that is described so perfectly you’ll scream a little “ugh YES!” in your head. When I’m having a particularly hard day, I think back to quotes from this book as a reminder that it’s perfectly okay to be naturally wired the way I am.
It’s not a long read, and is spilt up into easily digestible sections. If you want a brief overview of what you can find in the book, Cain also did a TED Talk on the subject.
I also love the website Introvert, Dear. You can find posts about living an introverted life as it relates to your job, relationships, etc.
Take time to be you
Western society highly values extroversion, so it’s easy to get a bit exhausted going about your day as an introvert. We’re constantly having to exist in an environment that, by its very nature, is uncomfortable for us. I’ve had to escape to the bathroom for a few minutes at many an event, just so I wouldn’t snap due to all the stimulation around me.
(Gif related anecdote: If you’re having a hard time finding an introvert that came to your party, they’re probably somewhere petting whatever furry animal resides in your home) I think we’d be lying if we didn’t admit that there are moments when we’ve felt like something might be wrong with us for sometimes wishing the party/work event/family holiday we’re attending could hurry up and end so we can get back to that calm place in our mind. But this is not the week for those thoughts! Those plans you made a while ago and are dreading now that they’re getting closer? 86 them if you can, and make a little cocoon of comfort for yourself. The world will still be there the next day.
Although I am in no way qualified to give anything resembling advice when it comes to mental health, I feel compelled to note that there have been several studies that suggest introverts may be more susceptible to depression and other mental illnesses. So while it can be hard to recognize at first, if you ever get the feeling that despite your introversion you’re spending too much time alone at home, seeking professional help might be something to look into. I only mention it because I’ve been there, and a healthy introvert is a happy introvert.