Then it happened. Somewhere down the line, life got in the way. That deadline at work is looming closer and closer. Your kid’s state project is due and the only research your child – let’s be honest, YOU – has done is learned that Connecticut has two n’s. You rediscovered Four Pics, One Word on your phone, and because you’ve had to start back at level one, you’re CRUSHING it.
Well, we believe in you and the power of books, and that all these distractions are just fleeting. However, redirecting your focus back to your reading challenge is easier said than done. In an effort to get you motivated and back on track with your Goodreads Reading Challenge, here’s just a little inspiration (i.e. hot guys with books).
Ryan Reynolds
You know who wants to see you reach that perfectly attainable goal of reading at least two books a week whilst still maintain some semblance of a social life?
This suave ass Canadian.
Jamie Dornan
Realizing that you may have to humbly change your challenge and reduce your goal? Are you feeling shame? Don’t be. Jamie’s not ashamed of you AT ALL.
This man knows true shame: he started in the Fifty Shades trilogy, and he will have to live with that for the rest of his life. Move that goalpost, girl, and be proud.
George Clooney
You know what’s sexier than George Clooney, reading a novel while drinking a glass of wine and peering off into the distance to contemplate a passage that most likely inspired him to further his humanitarian efforts?
The answer is nothing except you finishing that book and watching your read count steadily rise.
Gregory Peck
Do yourself a solid and Google, “Gregory Peck reading.” You and the books you will undoubtedly finish will thank me later.
Henry Cavill
The man can reload his arms and make a shirt pocket appear out of thin air. He has the power to make you sit through Joss Whedon’s Justice League, just to see his CGI’d upper lip.
All of this pales in comparison to Henry Cavill’s greatest superpower – the ability to inspire you to earn that coveted “Completed!” badge.
Robert Pattinson
Rob may have started out as the embodiment of your literary boyfriend, but now let him be the embodiment of your completed reading goal. Side note, elbow patches have never been sexier. Fight me.