Part of The Journey is The End
So, now that this trailer has dropped what do we know? Besides that our (or at least my) emotions were not ready for it.
Ok, first we know that Tony is drifting in space and is about to run out of oxygen the following morning and that he records a message for Pepper.
Out of the roughly two and a half minute trailer, about fifty seconds of it was spent on Tony’s situation and honestly, I ain’t mad at it. I love Tony Stark, to me he is one of a handful of characters in the MCU that has shown A LOT of growth and tries to do better on the regular. That’s a superhero I can support 24/7.
Next, we get some exposition from Natasha that Thanos was successful in killing 50% of all living creatures on Earth, and this is where I have my first big question: did Thanos kill 50% of all the puppies and kitties on Earth? Because if so, I hate him even more. What about our already endangered species? Did he kill 50% of all the elephants? That doesn’t seem like a good way to ensure survival which is what Thanos claims he wants. Maybe I’m reading too deeply into what Nat said, but it bugged me. Also, this scene of Thanos walking through a field on some unknown as of yet planet.
If Tony’s goodbye to Pepper wasn’t enough to make you cry on a Friday morning, how about we discuss this shot of Cap crying while listening to Nat tell us all how screwed we are? How do your feels feel now? Mine are very intensely staring at the ceiling pretending I have dust in my eyes.
Reminder Of Who Survived
Let’s run through the list of who appeared in this trailer and reminded us: oh yeah, they didn’t get Snapped.
We already saw Tony, Cap, and Natasha. Let’s see the rest.
Things We Didn’t See But Are Super Important To Remember
OK, please remember that Rocket survived the Snap. We didn’t see him, but he did live. There’s a really good argument that Shuri survived the Snap by traveling into the Quantum Realm. Also, we didn’t have a name for this movie until this trailer dropped, but don’t forget about this SUPER important scene from IW.
But Is There A Plan To Fix Things?
Yeah, of course there is a plan. We just don’t know what it is yet. But in what is honestly a more detailed trailer than I thought we’d get for the first one, we have this little scene.
Nat being all pragmatic here and then Cap goes and has a typical overly-dramatic dude moment.
And There You Have It
Our very first look at a movie we have all been both anxiously awaiting and at the same time dreading, because if they don’t fix it and unsnap all those people we lost (and potentially the puppies and kitties as well) then I will go total Hulk and rage.