Noble Warrior Hero
In the first trailer we saw Carol punch what appeared to be an old lady in the face, and now we know for sure that said old lady is actually a Skrull. And that old broad is kicking and flipping all over the damn place! I’m not on public transport much myself, but from what I understand from my urbanite friends, this is hardly the craziest thing someone has seen go down on a train during their morning commute. Fistfights with the elderly: noble and heroic indeed.
Annette fucking Bening voice-over
The Kree found Carol and turned her at least partially into one of them (which entailed some kind of green blood transfusion) so she’d live “longer, stronger, superior.” Whether the Kree were looking for any Earthling and Carol was simply in the right place at the right time, or whether there’s something special about her that had the Kree looking for her specifically remains to be seen.
Carol has no real memories of her life on Earth, but appears to be getting flashes of her past and suspects something important in them is the key to everything. I can’t wait for sexist fanboys to complain that this makes her a Mary Sue despite the fact that similar elements have been central to countless male hero origin stories!
Carol take the wheel
We’re so used to seeing Fury be large and in charge, it’s going to be so much fun to see him before he was the fearless leader of the MCU.
Jude Law’s character seems like a real d-hole based on the tiny bit we get of him in this trailer so I hope he’s not the love interest. “You’ve come a ling way, but you’re not as strong as you think” is a super patronizing thing to say.
THAT shot
I’m in love with the “WITH HER” that becomes “WITH A HERO”
This glowing fire effect when Carol is in full Captain Marvel mode is going to look unreal in the theater. She’s flying around in space, blasting things left and right like it’s nothing.
Seriously, the rest of the Avengers don’t even need to show up for A4.
Fury being established as a crazy cat lady was an unexpected bonus. In the comics, Carol’s cat is named Chewie, but for the movie it’s been changed to Goose after the character from Top Gun. He’s already my favorite character.
What did you think, Marvel fans?! Get ready, the big one is coming…