If you’re keeping track, which you SHOULD be, here is my track record:
2013: 100% Success Rate. KILLED IT
2014: 60% Success Rate
2015: 70% Success Rate
2016: 50% Success Rate
2017: 40% Success Rate
2018: 40% Success Rate (should I start calling them failure rates..?)
Here is how it went down in 2018:
I am taking CONTROL of my health: 100% KILLED It. EVERYONE needs to have their tonsils removed immediately. Those little buggers were the REASON I was sick every few weeks for most of my thirties. I can’t believe it took me so long to say sayonara.
But besides an occasional sniffle, stomach issue and just general “getting old AF”, I had a REALLY healthy 2018! 1
I want to take care of my skin: I tried. I really did. Up until November I was going to an esthetician every 6 weeks. I loved my skin at times and while getting my pores cleared hurt like hell, they actually felt cleaner and my skin looked cleaner.. for a time. I weaned myself off my acne medicine and was introduced to some great skincare products.
But since my last appointment (I didn’t go again because I got really busy), my skin is better. My break outs are less and I don’t think my skin looks much clearer or brighter.
Is it possible my facials were making my acne worse?
Is it possible deep cleansing and face razoring and acid exfoliating isn’t making me look any younger?
Botox here I come. I get a .5 on this one.
I want to get my financial House in Order: Last year I had a lofty goal of finding a financial advisor, getting an investment strategy in place, buying a house and creating a will. Well, I’ve had a financial advisor all year. And she’s helped me on the investment end, and I did meet a lawyer I will DO my will with.. and I’ve been looking at houses since the Spring…. But yeah, I’m not there yet. .5
I want to say “no” more: Since my boyfriend moved in last January, I can say we 100% have gotten worse at saying no. We are both people people, We both have large families and large social circles. And we both have the inability to disappoint people around us- the the detriment of ourselves. 0
I want to drink more water: It’s possible I’ve drank less water in 2018 than I have my entire life before this year. 0
TOTAL = 2/5 40% Damn, I sucked at 2018! Well, new year, let’s do this:
2019 Resolutions I may or may not keep:
I will buy a house: I’m so sure about this one, I’m not even saying “I want to buy a house.” I’m Saying I WILL.
It’s been on my list for too many years now, and I’m gonna end up paying $100k more and 2% interest rate higher because I’ve dragged my feet.
I’ve narrowed down what I want (a house. with doors), in the neighborhood I want it (the expensive one near the elementary school rated a 3, not a 2). So the hard part is done. Now to actually pull the trigger on something…
*Insert Unspoken Prayer Request* Anyone remember those? This one isn’t a prayer request, but it is an unspoken goal of mine that Im not ready to share. It’s a big one. A life changing one…. I’m going to get Botox.

“Dear Lord, I pray that when I open my eyes my nails don’t look like this”
I promise if I achieve this goal in 2019, I will share it next year!
I want to look younger: I’ve tried so hard with natural skin care products. I’ve made my own serums. I’ve used the oils and the crystals (are you supposed to rub the anxiety crystal on your face?).
But I’ve had it with my 35 year old face. The lines are popping in places I don’t want them too, and I’m OVER it. SO yeah, I probably AM going to get Botox.
I want to grow my business 15%: It’s a pretty straightforward goal to remind you I am boring AF, but Method Agency has had great year over year growth, and 15% growth seems like a number our coach will be proud of!
Here we are working hard on our coffee/tea:
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I want to enjoy working out: I like to roll out of bed and go for a run. I actually enjoy running a few miles (between 1-3), even when it’s cold. My mile has gotten faster (about a minute better than a year ago!) and running has absolutely ZERO effect on my body. I have gained weight this year (thanks 35!) and working out almost every day hasn’t changed that. I have to think its because I’m not getting my heart rate up high enough, for long enough.
Because when I do that, I literally want to DIE.
But I see all these girls coming out of work out classes at the gym with a great glow, I have friends who do cross fit knock-offs and totally kill it, and I wonder WHAT am I doing wrong. Why Do I hate working out so much?
So I’d like to find a class or a work out or a circuit where I don’t want to die and feel like I’m seeing results. HELP
I’d like to have more time for goal-setting: Ironic, right? But life has been so busy (due to failing at that “Saying no” goal for 2018) that I feel like I don’t have time to sit, reflect and figure out what I REALLY want. It’s why I haven’t yet bought a house. It’s probably why I have all these wrinkles.
I want to spend time being grateful:
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It sounds so simple, but with a busy, full life, it’s not easy to remember sometimes. Whether it’s just ending the day sharing one good moment or talking in detail about what is GOOD in life with my boyfriend over dinner, I want to spend focused time on gratefulness.
So wish me luck! This time next year I’ll be writing this in my new house, with my hot bod, new face, an *unspoken prayer request* mo’ money, goals archived and SUPER THANKFUL for it all!