The Soundtrack
If you could wear out Spotify playlists like you used to wear our cassette tapes, I’ve totally done that in the last week with the ASIB soundtrack. SORRYNOTSORRY everyone in my life, those on texts messages, anyone who’s been in my car, and my poor neighbors. SORRYNOTSORRYAGAIN.
I’ve even gotten into Fan playlists weaving the ASIB Soundtrack with their personal picks, and then I decided to make my own:
OR this pro tip from our own, Amy: Listen to the ASIB Soundtrack and Lady Gaga’s Jolene album back to back and it totally works.
Lady Gaga
THIS.FREAKING.MOMENT. right here! If Bradley Cooper touched my nose like this, my septum would un-deviate and all my sinus issues would be cleared forever, right? RIGHT??? Don’t answer that. But let’s talk about Lady Gaga, I spent the entire movie entranced by her performance, as we were walking out, it came to me, “oh yea, she’s actually a pop singer, not an actress.” I guess we can say not anyone, she’s a triple threat, baby. Does this make me a “Lil Monster” now?
We would all look like this.
Bradley Cooper
Bradley Cooper is one of those actors who usually just plays “Bradley Cooper” in movies and that’s fine for people like Jason Bateman but not when you’re searching for a little Awards Season hardware ifyouknowwhatimsayin. Bradley must have been thinking of that Oscar when he TURN IT ON for this movie. Whether it was because he directed it himself and just let his gravel-y voice, countryana singing, sorta weirdo come out, whatever he did it WORKED. His portrayal of serious addiction, plus tinnitus suffering, and family drama, was GOOD. If A Star Is Born has that Big Nose Energy, than Bradley is rocking that ‘doesn’t wear deodorant or shower energy’ and we.are.feeling.it.
Shipping IRL People
I never thought I’d be one of those people but from the moment Jackson and Ally met I was feeling it for Bradley and Gaga together, like IRL. I was so invested and I never thought I’d be that way about REAL people and not just characters in a book or movie. I’m a tad ashamed but really let’s break this down. Gaga’s fiancé looks like a greasy mobster, and Bradley has moved from super model to super model (but apparently has a kid with one now????). Who else would be perfect for them? How else can we get a REAL life album and tour from them?!?!?! COME ON GUYZZZZ!!
And there was this moment from the press tour…
Shangela + every other actor ever!
If you’re a RuPaul’s Drag Race fan like me, you KNOW Shangela, and you know she was robbed in the most recent seasons of All-Stars and YOU KNOW she was gonna be good in this film. Shangela had such a star turn in the movie, she was ALL over the place doing interviews and the red carpet looking GORGE. I followed along 100% on her Instagram Stories like an addict.
And then throw in Jackson’s driver who just happens to be Greg Grunberg (oh hey Alias reunion!), Sam Elliott as Jackson’s Brother/tour manager and Dave Chapelle as Jackson’s old bandmate, Andrew Dice Clay (!!!) as Ally’s Father, Alec Baldwin as the SNL host who intros Ally, Halsey as herself, Brandi Carlise who sings during that Grammy’s scene with Jackson, Willam — also a Drag Queen from Drag Race, nearly every concert venue or hot spot in Los Angeles, and apparently that freaking cute doodle dog is actually Bradley’s in real life!! STAR!
The Internet
You know the internet has us covered from Tweets to fan art and everything in between.
damn, stagecoach gonna be lit pic.twitter.com/I8QOd3Qb9l
— dan chamberlain (@amfmpm) October 16, 2018
They had me a Hologram.
Some awesome fan put these scenes side by side:
SWOON. Sigh. Swoon again.
And this fan art… the angels of A Star Is Born: Judy, Barbra, and Janet looking down on the newest star to enter their galaxy.
So we can’t be the only ones obsessed here, come on spill your guts. Share your memes and your fan art with us! NOW. I NEED A FIX!
Ok need a fix, this video is pretty good if you can’t escape work or life right now to run to the nearest theater and watch ASIB again:
“You know it’s like, I don’t know you float out to sea and one day you find a port, sayin ‘I’m a stay here for a few days’ and a few days become a few years and then you forgot where you were going in the first place and you realize you don’t really give a shit about where you were going, because you like where you’re at.”
That’s some home truths right there.
More A Star Is Born on TN!