It feels like longer, but it was only a little over a month ago that Marvel punched their fist through our chests and drowned our hearts in a pool of our own tears. That may be slightly over dramatic, but we can all agree that Avengers: Infinity War didn’t exactly end with everyone going in together on a beach house and having a barbecue. Almost everyone we know and love is currently a pile of dust. And we have to wait until May of next year to find out how it all plays out.

A lovely cast photo. Source
The first bit of promo art for the as-yet-unsubtitled Avengers 4 was seemingly leaked online, and I won’t post it for those who want to remain unspoiled for the time being, but you can see it here if you want to. (You want to.)
Everyone has their theories about A4, and Chris Hemsworth’s recent comments in Esquire only added kindling (kindling that’s not made of Groot I hope) to the fandom fire.
“If you were shocked by [Infinity War], I think the second one is even more shocking, for other reasons entirely. That’s what kind of blew me away the first time I read both scripts, is how they managed to orchestrate so many different characters but give them each their own separate shot and moments, and have it be elevated and feel fresh and unique—not just like a messy, thrown-together assembly of these guys.”
“The second one, I’m probably even more excited about. Just for people to see. I just think it’s another step again. Each step we seem to take with these films, I’ve loved the fact that there’s been growth and evolution, and it continues to surprise people as opposed to sort of flat-lining, which was obviously always a fear—that they’d run out of ideas or run dry of creative excitement. For me, this whole experience has been incredible. In particular the last one.”
Thanks Chris, for your not at all cryptic comments. That’s going to make the wait so much easier. Luckily, we have two Marvel movies coming out before then: Captain Marvel in March, which we’ve seen very, very little about thus far, and Ant-Man and the Wasp in July, which promotion is just starting to ramp up for. Sadly, this TV spot for the first Ant-Man is the greatest film marketing of all time and they’ll never be able to top it.
But they need to give it their best shot regardless. The new commercials and trailers that are being released hint that this movie is going to be just what Marvel fans need after the non-stop pain fest that was Infinity War. So what’s in store for Earth’s tiniest hero in this one?
In the aftermath of Captain America: Civil War, Scott Lang grapples with the consequences of his choices as both a Super Hero and a father. As he struggles to re-balance his home life with his responsibilities as Ant-Man, he’s confronted by Hope van Dyne and Dr. Hank Pym with an urgent new mission. Scott must once again put on the suit and learn to fight alongside The Wasp as the team works together to uncover secrets from their past.
Michelle Pfeiffer is joining the cast as Janet van Dyne, and no doubt her role in regards to the Quantum Realm is going to have implications for Avengers 4, but for right now, let’s focus on the fact that Michael Peña as Luis is going to save the MCU.
The undisputed breakout character for the first movie, Luis is a much needed reminder that these movies can be fun. He should get a suit if he wants one! I’m far from the first fan to suggest that perhaps A4 should open with a “previously on The Avengers” type montage narrated by Luis in the style of his monologues from the first Ant-Man (an element I hope they keep for the sequel).
I also saw this international spot on Twitter. We’ve seen Ant-Man, and Giant-Man, and now we get In Between-Man.
NEW: This latest #AntManandtheWasp TV Spot features hilarious new footage of a Ant-Man style suit malfunction!
— Ant-Man News ? (@AntManNews) June 4, 2018