We know we need to maximize our productivity in the workplace in order to perform well, climb the corporate ladder and get a sense of personal achievement in our work. If you want to optimize your time effectively by delegating writing tasks to professionals, then use an essay writing service that can meet all your content creation needs. But what else can you do to maximize your productivity in the workplace?
Why do we feel less productive in the workplace?
People say they are more productive at home because there are fewer distractions. At work you are more likely to be interrupted, there’s an expectation that emails are answered immediately, and meetings are often long, inefficient time-zappers. Just the fact that there are so many more people in the office makes it easier to get distracted.
Why are we more productive at home?
Despite the distractions, people are often more productive at home because they are more relaxed and feel more autonomous. It’s easier to take a break when you need one and you can work when you feel alert rather than being chained to the desk 9 to 5. The more control we have over our work, the happier we are, and happiness leads to productivity.
What can we do to improve our productivity in the workplace?
1. Create meaningful goals
Identify the most important thing you want to achieve in the next three months. Write it down and put it somewhere you can easily look at it. Take some time to think through the tasks you will need to complete each month to achieve this goal.
Whenever possible, work on this goal first thing every day when you are at your freshest, even if it’s just for 15 minutes. If ever you have a spare moment, work on this goal. That way, whatever distractions happen during the day, you’ve already been productive because you’ve worked on the goal that is most important to you.
2. Plan tomorrow today, every day
The last thing you should do before you finish work for the day is write down the top three things you need to achieve tomorrow in order to make it a success. That way when you arrive at work you can get on with it quickly rather than wasting time bringing yourself back up to speed.
Plan to do the hardest tasks earlier in the day when you are at your freshest and save the more mundane jobs for later when you have less energy. That way you stay productive even when you’re not at your peak.
3. Stay focused and take regular breaks
People are most productive when they have regular time out. Try the Pomodoro method. Set a timer for 25 minutes and focus on one task for that time. When the alarm goes off stand up, take 5 minutes, and then do it again. You’ll be surprised how much achieve.
If you find it hard to stay focused, do a time audit. Create a spreadsheet for the day broken into 30-minute segments. Write down what you work on in each segment. Be truthful. At the end of the day take a look at your chart and see if you’re spending your time on the right things. Just the act of writing it down is likely to make you more productive.
4. Stop reacting, stick to your plan
Stop responding to every email as soon as you get them. Instead, focus on the task at hand and plan time in your schedule to deal with new emails, phone calls and other requests. Rate every new project according to its urgency and importance and plan when you will work on it accordingly.
If you are easily distracted switch off notifications on your computer and phone. Save Social Media for lunchtime or your journey home.
5. Encourage your colleagues to optimize productivity in meetings
As well as making sure there is a clear goal for each meeting, suggest assigning a time limit to each agenda item which makes it much easier to keep on track. Rotate responsibility for taking notes and make sure each action point is given a deadline and assigned to someone.
6. Feed your brain and move your body
Make sure you eat well and incorporate exercise into your daily routine. The fitter you are, the more positive you’ll feel and the more you will achieve.
Eat a healthy, protein-rich breakfast such as eggs, yogurt or an oat-based granola. Snack on nuts and seeds. Eat a healthy lunch incorporating good carbs such as brown rice and vegetables. Avoid sugar, minimize caffeine and drink lots of water.
Incorporate exercise into your work routine. Walk some of your commute, take the stairs rather than the elevator, go for a brisk walk at lunchtime.
A healthy diet and regular exercise will help maintain your energy levels throughout the day, enable you to stay focused and increase your productivity.
7. Plan your downtime wisely
If you want to be productive all week it’s important that you plan your weekends sensibly so you get time for rest and rejuvenation. Make sure you use your vacation allowance so you get regular breaks throughout the year.
8. Work on your mindset
Always keep your eye on the prize. Where do you want to be a year from now? What do you want to have achieved? What steps do you need to take between now and then to realize your ambitions?
Write it all down. If you feel your productivity slipping, reread your plan and refocus. If you start doubting yourself and your ability to achieve your goals make a list of every single tiny thing you’re good at and a file of all the positive feedback you receive. If you have a productivity setback take out your files and reread them.
Final words
It can be difficult to be productive in the workplace, but it’s essential not only for career progression but also our sense of self-worth.
Creating systems, finding ways to work effectively, and maintaining your health and fitness will enable you to maximize your productivity.
Be the best version of yourself possible and find success. You deserve it!