But first, the trailer!
Watch, if you have not. It’s hilarious and fun and loud. We’ll wait.
Top Ten Reasons … Still Here for It?
Check out our original post for where these top ten reasons originated.
1. Sam in a feature film
It really happened. Sam Heughan is in this movie. With Top Three Billing. He looks good. He looks a bit like a movie actor that you know but can’t place, but feel dumb that you can’t place so you pretend to remember him on Game of Thrones.
2. A comedy!
I mentioned last summer that I thought Sam would be great in a comedy – especially playing what looks like the straight man in a sea of seasoned comedic actors. Just looking at his earnest face next to Hasan Minhaj’s is funny. I’m so excited for this role.
3. Kate McKinnon
I love her so much. This trailer is showcasing some of my favorite things about her on screen: how normal and sexy she makes menswear look, her super expressive dimples and her perfect timing. I’m actually really excited about the suspenders/tank/black pants ensemble that it looks like she wears for a generous portion of the movie. Holy crap, I think I have a real crush on her.
4. Female Creators
It’s all in the opening title sequence: In 2018 Women Are Killing It. Headlined by two amazing comedic actresses. Brought to the screen by Susanna Fogel and Julie Oh of Lionsgate. Plus, it looks like perfect summer comedy fare. More women making movies please!
5. Mila Kunis
She remains totally adorable. I mean, she’s no Kate, but she’ll do.
6. All the spy suits!
Look, I’ll take Justin Theroux in a ton of suits, if I have to, but I do prefer Sam in them.
7. And the spy tuxes!
THAT is more like it.
8. And the spy outwear
Technically, they fulfilled this promise with that green jacket, but I would still like to see a bomber, please.
9. And the pre-breakup boyfriend dishevelment
Yes, we talked about this when the movie greenlight info came out: Sam isn’t playing the Spy Who Dumped, but the spy who swoops in once said dumping has been done to clean up the mess and find the dumper. Does that mean he can’t get boyfriend-disheveled at some point?
OH, well, LOOKY THERE. Looks like he can.
10. Hiatus Photos!
You guys didn’t let us down. I’ll let you google your own proof, but Sam was out and about in cute, soft blue t-shirts and hoodies and partially removed tuxes and not at all bad hair. Hiatus/filming photos were super fun.
BONUS: Spy Comedies are our Jam!
Still true. Movie looks cute, funny and fun. Still 100% here for Sam Heughan making a GREAT career move here (and can I make a prediction that he ends up being a bad guy in the end? I’m gonna stand by that one).
The Spy Who Dumped Me hits theaters August 3rd!
images courtesy of Lionsgate Publicity