Women have been much misunderstood, feared, and maligned across cultures throughout history. The uterus has been a particularly frequent target of the patriarchy and medical practitioners over the years. Blamed for being quite a troublesome organ, it was said the uterus would wander around the female body causing all manner of distress. Headaches? The uterus must have traveled to the skull. Shortness of breath? The uterus must have entered the lungs. The diagnosis of “wandering uterus” was assigned to almost any female complaint, physical or emotional.
Today we are more familiar with the diagnosis of “hysteria” from the Greek “hystero” meaning uterus. The treatment of this “disorder” is fascinatingly and humorously dealt with in the 2011 film Hysteria, staring Hugh Dancy and Maggie Gyllnehall. It is the true story of Dr. Joseph Mortimer Granville and his revolutionary invention. I highly recommend watching this stimulating film.
My Wandering Uterus is an anthology of short stories and poems that chronicle journeys both physical and emotional. It is an eclectic collection from over 30 women. Some stories simply recount a vacation, others detail pilgrimages to ancient spiritual sites. There is even an erotic poem about riding motorcycles. Most of the stories are true, some perilous, involving drug lords and would be muggers. Many will introduce readers to cultures they have never encountered. One fictional piece describes a fierce woman warrior who wields a ukulele in ways that will amaze and potentially make you cringe.
As with any collection of works from such a diverse group of writers, not every story will appeal to everyone. However, whether it’s a particular adventure that touches you, stimulates your curiosity or inspires you to wander, it’s a journey worth taking.