If you aren’t in Boozy Book Club, come on already! You are missing out on all the fun. Or, as much fun as you can have from the comfort of your home with your sweatpants on and a glass of BYOB in your hand.
That’s a lot of fun.
Last night, Emily and I were joined by ladies from Texas, California, Louisiana, Illinois, Massachusetts–even Slovenia! We are international y’all!–to look at two seemingly different books with a lot in common. And–bonus!–the books were mostly enjoyed!
Crazy Rich Asians
Leading up to BBC, everyone was loving this book; more than one person immediately moved on to the sequels (good job containing spoilers, ladies!). During the discussion, however, there were a lot more “meh” reactions than I was expecting (including myself; I thought I was going to be the only one!). Out of five Boozy Bottles, we gave it 3.
You should definitely check out the discussion to see our takes on whether or not we’d want to be crazy-rich and if Nick’s secret was an accident and forgivable.
Perhaps the most surprising thing to come up during the discussion was an overwhelming agreement that the movie will be better than the book. How many times has that sentence been uttered among book lovers?!
Can’t wait for the [movie]. I think we’re long overdue to see a lot of hot Asian guys in one movie.–Daria
I really think I will like it. It may move a bit quicker seeing in action.–Tracey
We are definitely going to have to all check in about this in August when the movie comes out! Buy it.
Flame in the Mist
We had a lot of people excited to read this one after previously having read The Wrath & The Dawn. And it did not disappoint!
A classic enemies-to-lovers story, we agreed that it is one of our favorite romance tropes; however, we didn’t necessarily agree on the pace of the flip.
I guess I found the pacing of the romance jolting. Like, the second Okami finds out she’s a girl they make out. –Janna
I loved the slow burn to it – you could sense something building and I was willing it to happen.–Elizabeth
I just love when we see the same thing so differently!
Flame in the Mist definitely won this month–yes, it is a competition; we gave it 4.5 Boozy Bottles!
I know I speak for all of us when I say that we can’t wait for June 5th when Smoke in the Sun comes out.
Buy Flame in the Mist. Preorder Smoke in the Sun.
April’s Boozy Book Club
How do we choose these books?
Each month we ask everyone in Boozy Book Club to suggest books that they think that we should read the next month. This month we came up with six great choices to poll the book club, picking the top two for the next book club.
Without further ado, the books we will be reading for the April 23rd are:
The Guernsey Literary and Potatoes Peel Pie Society
We are already really excited about the movie coming to Netflix, also in April (I wish we could claim that we planned that but I would never lie to you my friend), so I don’t think anyone was surprised by this winning by a landslide.
At 277 pages, I have a feeling this will be one of our faster reads. Set in 1946, it is supposed to be “a celebration of the written word in all its guises,” which is sounds like a perfect rainy day read.
It currently stands at a 4.12 star rating on Goodreads, but we will be the judge of that. Buy it.
The Alice Network
This one is going to be a hefty read–I don’t want to tell you the page count because it is scary, just trust me and start early (fine, it’s 503 pages).
It has won a ton of awards, has been nominated for even more, and is currently standing at a 4.27 stars on Goodreads.
The summary reminds me of an adult version of Code Name Verity, which is a book you need to read if you haven’t. Well, you know, after you read these for book club. I’m intrigued by the time jumping between the two world wars instead of the wars and present day, and even more interested in the bad-ass lady spies.
I think the most interesting part of these choices will be seeing if we can keep both of these World War-era historical fictions straight when we discuss them! Buy it.
What do you have to do to join this super exclusive book club?
Head over to Facebook, answer a couple of questions to prove you aren’t a judgmental space alien robot, and ta-dah!
You choose if you want to read both or one of our group reads, you can participate in our fabulous moderators conversations through out the week, and you can even be brave and start your own conversations (this is where I shake my finger and tell you to be nice to each other and to stick to things book-related-adjacent. Mostly, don’t make us have to have an uncomfortable conversation with you about manners because no one wants that).