#10: Victoria’s backbone
Victoria decides that King Louis-Phillipe needs an in-person visit to drive home the point that a union between his son and the Spanish Queen would not be in his favor, or in England’s. Sir Robert tells her that it’s not a good idea; she tells him she’s going anyway. The Duchess tries to bow out because France is a godless country. Victoria tells her “Bring your Bible!”
#9: Francatelli and Skerrett
These two have some major feelings to work out between them. We only saw them together for a split second, but Francatelli is getting love letters and Skerrett isn’t happy about it. He’s trying to hide it, but he still likes her too. Can’t wait to see what comes of it!
#8: France
I don’t know about you, but I love some French culture from the 1800’s. The French were not afraid of decadence and they indulged in whatever felt good. Albert was not a fan; he didn’t appreciate the nude paintings or the painted court ladies. Overall, France was breathtaking in its opulence, but it was also a little seedy – isn’t that how we all picture Victorian France?
#7: Ernest is everywhere
It turns out Ernest is in France, trying his best to forget Harriet. Albert is concerned that Ernest is behaving like their father; Ernest says he’s honoring his legacy. Read: he’s a well-liked man-whore.
#6: Songbirds…coming to a dinner table near you.
State dinners are elaborate in 1830’s France – and no one from the English court knows what to think. The Duchess would like to skip the meal, and WHY are people having napkins held over their face when they eat the ortolan? The King says its to “hide your face from God.” Well…turns out the ortolan is a tiny little songbird, so no thanks. The facial expressions in this scene had me laughing.
#5: King Louis-Phillipe
The King of France is a very charming man…he has fought his way to the throne, but is well aware of the troubles that caused his father before him to meet his fate at the guillotine. He wants what he feels is best for his son – not to have to fight his way to the top. When Victoria warns him against the Spanish marriage, he tells her that “Coburg princes can’t snatch up all the queens.” She lets him know, in no uncertain terms, that she was not snatched up, but married Albert for love. He appears to appreciate that, but he doesn’t really want to be serious when they talk. At the end of the episode, we find out that he doesn’t stick to his promise that his son won’t marry the Spanish Queen…but Victoria isn’t as upset as you would think.
#4: The Duchess
The Duchess was extra salty in this episode. I’ve said it before: we all need crusty old women in our lives. She hates French food, and wants tea and toast during the picnic, and she doesn’t care to learn French in order to ask. On the way home from France when Miss Coke tells her she misses it, the Duchess tells her “Elegance is all very well. They may do things with style, but at heart they are not respectable.” Turns out her brother was killed in France, so she has no good feelings about the place. She gave some good side-eye throughout the visit, too. #judgy
#3: Paget and Drummond
Paget and Drummond aren’t in this episode a lot, but when they are you can feel their chemistry. Their skinny-dipping together gave me some feels.
#2: Albert
Albert was one of the best parts of this episode, in my opinion. Tom Hughes is a pro when it comes to the nuances we need to see. When Victoria asks him what is wrong after the dinner, he tells her he isn’t comfortable in France: its a place of artifice and deceit, with women who have no purity. He begs her not to wear makeup again – he likes her how she is. He is disgusted that the King had a mistress passed down from his father. #GROSS
When he finds a natural pool during the picnic and decides to take a swim in the nude, we see him let go of his stiff attitude. Paget, Drummond and Ernest join him. We are definitely not complaining. It was really nice to see Albert relax, and to see Victoria giggle at him letting loose.
#1: Albert and Victoria’s relationship
This was, by far, the best part of the episode. My favorite interaction between them was when Victoria pretended to scold him for skinny-dipping, and then she giggled like a girl in love, telling him that she wanted to spend more time in bed in the mornings. *wink wink* When I see them interact as just the two of them, my heart does a little skip. Second-best moment: when Albert confesses that Leopold believes he is his father and he can’t bear the news alone. It is relationship goals when Victoria tells him that any man would want him for a son, and that she couldn’t face the world without him, and then says “Albert – I know who you are. Even if you don’t.” That. Right. There. Oh – and we find out she’s pregnant again; this time she seems pretty happy, so here’s hoping this one goes well!
Did you have feelings about this episode of Victoria? What are you looking forward to in the rest of this season?