Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald is one of our most anticipated films of this coming year, and I’m particularly happy that Warner Brothers has been doling out tiny morsels of magical goodness relatively often. Something has to keep our excitement up until the first trailer is released. This time we got a few new images, and they’re spectacular. There’s one of Johnny Depp as Grindelwald, as well as my personal favorite of the bunch, this one of Newt and Tina.
They both look so gorgeous here I can’t take it. The black, the both of them serving the over the shoulder looks, and the hair. I know Warner Brothers tries to keep spoilers very tightly under wraps, but I think it’s safe to assume that we all know what Tina’s first line of dialogue is going to be.
Another image gave me a very different set of feelings. At first I couldn’t quite articulate what it was, and that’s when I realized it was because I was feeling several emotions all smooshed together to create something else entirely.
The facial hair and the vest would have been enough, but they just had to add the slightly cocky casual lean. I thought at first that I was projecting all of my feelings about Jude Law in The Holiday (it’s been on TV about fifty times this past week) onto this image but alas, no. Dumbledore is sexy now. Which is very confusing for a generation that has seen him as a grandfatherly figure from the time we were tweens. First there’s the:
initial attraction
Quickly followed by the
record scratch
Wait, this is Dumbledore we’re talking about. Dumbledore, who has been an old man as long as we’ve known him.
Guess what set in next? You guessed it:
How am I supposed to reconcile these Unclean Thoughts™ with my pre-existing Dumbledore feelings? This was not a hurdle I was expecting to have to jump in this life. Thankfully cooler heads prevailed, and I moved on to
Entirely aimed at myself for taking this so seriously. He’s a fictional character, and the real world is a nightmare. Why would I look this gift horse in the mouth, or in this case, the gift Hippogriff in the beak? No, that’s stupid, it’s gift horse in the mouth. Obviously old people don’t just materialize into existence, they had to be young once. More direct tie-ins to Harry Potter is what I’m looking forward to most in Fantastic Beasts, and I’ve thought Jude Law is going to be great in the role since he was announced. I refuse to make it weird.
We live in a world now where Dumbledore can totally get it, and I’m just going to have to get used to that being the new normal. I read with my own two eyes that Voldemort and Bellatrix have a secret baby together in the synopsis for Cursed Child and I made it through. Please keep me in your thoughts when the first trailer for The Crimes of Grindelwald drops and I hear Dumbledore speak for the first time, when I will go through this entire process again.
Please share all of your Hot Dumbledore thoughts with us in the comments. This is a very important topic.