Although 2017 started with one of the largest marches for women’s rights, the subsequent months proved we still have to fight for even the right to basic human decency. From Harvey Weinstein’s ruining showers and couple massages, Matt Lauer’s sex toy Christmas gifts, and a banned from Forever 21 Roy Moore almost winning a senate seat, this year was a reminder that there are too many men who think that their dicks are national treasures to be enjoyed by all, or at least young women in their 20s.
Julie stole mine. That is my worst moment of 2017.
I disagree quite often with “The Other Side” on policy decisions. I don’t believe in trickle-down economics. I don’t believe that the tax break I’m getting with the new tax plan benefits the greater good, and I believe we and our children will be paying for it in generations to come. I’m pro-diplomacy and less about military might. I believe in how our system works, for the most part. I believe it’s okay to disagree. I believe the decision that is less LEFT and less RIGHT and more moderate, centrist and watered-down is usually the best option.
Except this year has really scared me. Some economic decisions and certain deregulations are going to really hurt certain segments of our country (namely: the poor and least of these). I’m worried about my rights as a woman and the restrictions that the government is trying to make so that my Doctor and I can’t make the best decision for ME and my health. And for the first time since I remember having bomb drills in 2nd grade, I am scared for my safety. I’ve had discussions with my loved ones about ways to communicate if we are hit with a nuclear missile. I know our meet up point. I know where we’ll go first, if we can (And then Canada, we’re coming for you) I’ve cried because of my fear and distrust in our leadership. THIS was my worst moment of 2017.
My worst moment of 2017 wasn’t really a moment at all, but more of a growing awareness that the people I have loved and surrounded myself with don’t care about the same things that I care about. I don’t care about my individual bank account, or my individual safety, or my individual rights. I care about caring for the marginalized even at the expense of my personal benefit, because I believe that when we all work together to help the most vulnerable, we are making ourselves stronger as a whole. But this year has shown me that so many people I know and loved don’t care about that at all. Which is lonely, and infuriating and just generally sucks. Ugh, I’m going to go watch The Christmas Prince on Netflix again to feel better.
Jamie W
From Inauguration Day in January all the way up to a few weeks ago when I was genuinely shocked that a child molester didn’t win a Senate seat, this year has been an example of why the phrase “May you live in interesting times” was seen as a curse. One of my saddest days this year was the 4th of July, a holiday that I usually love, which I spent wondering if I’ll ever feel the same way about it again. I’ve tried to be positive about the much needed conversations being had surrounding sexual harassment and assault, but the fact that there are so many stories that have been shared, and knowing that those stories are only the tip of the iceberg, is weighing me down in a way I don’t fully understand and can’t articulate yet. All in all, not a year that I’ll remember fondly. And I think we can all agree that the whole Henry Cavill mustache thing was a disaster, right?
and the digitally alerted version in Justice League… yikes.
Well this post isn’t usually such a bummer! The worst thing on the internet in 2017 for me was all the MLM’s (multi-level marketing companies) that tested our friendships, the power of Facebook and our pocketbooks. Not to mention the power of lycra-spandex.
We were so annoyed by our friends asking us to coffee to tell us about “a new business opportunity” which turned out to be some weird eye lash growing serum that makes your lashes look like spiders crawling out of your eyes, that we had to start an entire series on TN called Everyone Hates Your MLM.
We know that MLM’s are a sham and that 99% of those who buy in, don’t make their initial investment back. So, beyond annoying the crap out of us on social media, we know it’s mostly likely not going to end in fame and fortune, so uh, yea stop bugging us.
And stop making prints like this:
Last year’s worst of 2016 is much funnier. Go there to laugh! Looking forward to 2018!