Of course, none of this stopped me from getting ridiculously, stupidly excited about The Justice League. After all, The Avengers is my favorite movie from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and this was the chance for a bunch of DC characters that I felt entirely lukewarm about to do their version of the “assemble” dance. Not to mention, I knew that even if the movie stunk, I now had no fewer than three gorgeous individuals (Henry Cavill, Gal Gadot and Khal Drogo…I mean, Jason Momoa) to drool over unapologetically.
In all sincerity, I went in with low expectations for everything except the glorious vistas of Jason Momoa’s abs, and you know what? I LOVED THE MOVIE (who am I, right?). I’m even holding true to this statement after the general population has hopped on the “it was good, not great” train, complaining about little things like how the plot made absolutely zero sense and how no one ever explains why the big bad, Steppenwolf, comes back from the dead to wreak havoc.
One of the things that frustrates me about geek culture is that the bigger the nerd, the more I notice people desperately searching for deep, profound, life-changing meaning in these films. And I get it. Comics, the characters and the stories they tell are layered, multi-dimensional and interesting beyond just the ink on paper. But sometimes this consistent search for depth makes me feel like we’re losing our ability to sit back, relax and escape into a fantasy world where magic lassos command truth-telling, underwater worlds exist and men who are rich get their way simply because they have loads of money (wait, scratch that last one).
Guys, this movie was FUN. The Flash is this nerdy, endearing dude whose quips provided comic relief that legitimately made me chuckle. Wonder Woman is tough as nails and holds her own shot by shot next to four men. We get to see way more of Themyscira, and damn if those Amazons aren’t the stuff we want our daughters to see more and more of. Then there’s Aquaman, who delivered on his name by making me wet in multiple places. Whoops, TMI.
Some more Jason
I still don’t know why Steppenwolf came back to life. Heck, I don’t really care why Superman was re-born into this ultra-strong, emo-baby. What I do know is that for two hours I forgot about my IRL issues and traded in for creative, fresh, enthralling action, fun dialogue and the introduction of new characters whose story arcs warmed my heart (and pants). And for just this once, that was enough.
What did you think of Justice League?
Written by Gabby
Gabrielle (Gabby) Bill is a full-time career coach, part-time marketing consultant, writer at Beauty Babble and Career & The City, and wannabe group fitness instructor (did we also mention, she’s clearly a masochist?). When she’s not working one of her ten jobs or penning a blog post, you can find Gabby snuggling up with her two Chihuahuas, Bailey and Bella, reading a good book or watching the latest nerd movie/TV show. She’s also obsessed with Tom Hiddleston (but who isn’t?)