I can’t believe this is the SIXTH year I’m setting New Year’s Resolutions I probably won’t keep. Even though this started as “Oh, Shit, I have to write tomorrow, what do I write?”, it feels like now I have to answer “yes” when someone asks if I make New Year’s Resolutions. If you’ve got some time to kill, and you do because, let’s be honest, you’re probably not at work and if you are, you’re definitely not working, check out the past 5 Years of New Year’s Resolutions. Here are the links plus my EPIC success rates… which have increasingly gone.. down:
2013 : 100% success rate. KILLED IT
2014: 60% success rate
2015: 70% success rate
2016: 50% success rate
And my 2017 New Year’s Resolutions which were my WORST success rate yet. At just 40%, you might call 2017 a failure. But I don’t. I have excuses. Read on:
2017 Resolutions: Here is how I did
I want to read: I stopped reading in 2016, and in 2017 I wasn’t that much better. Oh, I’ve started a lot of books- I’ve got a ton of half-finished regency romances floating around my bedroom (once they ‘get it in’ the first time, I lose interest these days, tbh) But if we’re looking at strictly BOOKS READ in 2017, I get a 0. HOWEVER… This year I discovered my love for podcasts. And I devour them. I love series. I finished one about Welfare, Bernie Madoff, Porn Hub and so many more! So if Reading is supposed to keep my mind fresh and keep me learning.. I found a solution with podcasts, so since I make the rules, I get a half point on this one! .5
I want to run a half marathon: Fail. But I did run a 10k (6.something miles ya’ll!) in late August, after surgery AND survived! I’m finally taking this one off my list after a few years on because, i don’t think I love running enough to do it 13.1 miles. 0
I want to practice self-pleasure: From Flowers, to candles, to adding feminine touches all over my house, I killed self-pleasure this year. 1

Ignore the cords from hell, Look at the cute cats
I want to take a working vacation: Though I went to Costa Rica, to SDCC, and on a 3 week West Coast trip that took me to San Francisco, Sonoma, LA, Seattle and The Olympic Peninsula, none qualify as a working vacation. Because I work for myself, I definitely worked on all of those trips, but I definitely didn’t live up to my goal for this year. Sadface. 0
I have killer work-related goals: I didn’t get too specific on my post last year and, honestly, I’m not even 100% sure what my goals WERE, but while this year felt TOUGH for both Nikki and I, we grew our company, we got new clients and we have survived ALMOST FIVE YEARS. I’m giving myself a .5
Add it up– that’s 40%. BUT WHATEVER. I loved 2017 in SO many ways. I found myself, I found happiness, my cat stopped peeing in the basement… all in all, GREAT YEAR!
2018 Resolutions I may or may not keep
I’m taking CONTROL of my Health: Story time: This year was THE WORST in terms of my health. I consider myself a pretty (hipster) healthy person. I shop at Whole Foods, I try to buy organic, I don’t like to take antibiotics. I don’t get a flu shot but I’m a big believer in vaccines. I know people who do acupuncture and see a chiropractor. My Doctor went to DO school which means she looks at the WHOLE BODY instead of just one ailment. I once survived the Whole 30.
But this year was the year from health-hell. It actually started in September 2016 with a sore throat straight from Satan himself. But a round of strong antibiotics and I was home free.. until 2 months later, when it happened again. And then again 2 months after that. And that time, it wouldn’t go away. I got my immune system tested because they couldn’t figure out where my throat infections (that weren’t strep) were coming from. Another round of antibiotics and week of steroids later, I visited an ENT and learned I had Tonsils from Hell that needed OUT of my body.
Getting your tonsils removed as an adult is ROUGH. Unlike you may have heard, you can NOT eat Ice cream all day. You can’t talk. You’re on constant pain meds and even breathing is hard- for a good 10 days to 2 weeks. So in January, thinking about finding 2 weeks of my life to be OUT of it, was tough. I ended up choosing June 7th as my surgery date. Now it was my job to stay healthy until then.
Of course I didn’t. My infections got worse and closer together. I was on antibiotics and steroids about every 6-8 weeks all Spring. And FINALLY June arrived.
June 2nd was the day my boyfriend and I were celebrating my birthday and my last big meal before surgery. I had been crampy all day, but whatever— we got Friday reservations at a hot, newish restaurant and I was going OUT. I rushed home from work, threw on a dress, smeared on a pretty lip, ran out the door to catch Uber and fell down in the middle of the street. Blaming it on my shoes, I ignored my stronger cramps and met my man at the restaurant where we ordered way too much overpriced food and delicious wine which arrived just as I was starting to moan in pain. Literally. Long story short, I spent the 4 days before surgery, including my birthday, in the hospital for what ended up being Ovarian cysts that burst.

1:45 am fashun
Surgery got rescheduled and I finally got those suckers out on July 26, 2017. GOOD RIDDANCE. Sidenote: I would take the pain of tonsils over ovarian cysts any-day. They were NOTHING in comparison.
But all that to say— I’ve had a very unhealthy year. And no matter how many $100, 1 bag Whole Foods trips I take, probiotics I occasionally take and healthy fats I eat: I can’t quite
- Lose the weight I gained from steroids.
- Keep my digestive tract as clean and healthy as can be.
- Get back to my pre-year of Health Hell Good Feeling.
So 2018 is my year! I’m going to actually SEE a chiropractor. I’m going to TRY acupuncture. I’m going to get serious about vitamins. I’m going to do another Whole 30. I’ve been going the gym consistently the last two months and I’m going to keep it up. I am taking back my health.
Watch out 2018! My insurance deductible will NOT be met!
I want to take care of my Skin: You know the saying: Sunscreen & Exfoliate in your 20s, Serum in your 30s and Retinol in your 40s*? My skincare regiment has been more like: Strong acne cream in my teens-34; Sunscreen in my makeup in my 30s; homemade serum I read something about on Pinterest; Cry when wrinkles appear.

Me in my 60s
And this has got to change. I have struggled with acne most of fly adult life, which I’ve discussed here, and I’m on medicine for it now. I heard about an esthetician in Philadelphia who works primary with acne-prone adults, and I want to start going to her, buying quality products and stop crying about my wrinkles and start fixing, preventing futures ones and loving the face I have.
*Made that up
I want to get my financial House in Order: As I’m writing these goals I am realizing HOW MID THIRTIES I AM. But…. this one is a big one. I’ve always been pretty good with money. I put money away to save, I can stick to a budget, but… I want to be smarter. I want to plan better for the future, I want to BUY A HOUSE.
I started working with an amazing Financial Advisor (hit me up if you want a recommendation in the Philly-area) and I might even have a will as a 34 year old, childless single lady, you guys. Look at me growing up! So by the end of 2018, I hope to have some investment strategy (is that the term?) started, a house before the mortgage rates go up too high, and a will so someone is forced to care for my cats if I kick the bucket.
I want to Say “no” more: I’m a people pleaser. I have a strong will and tough goals for myself. I want to do everything well and be there for everyone. But I can’t. I know this, yet I still try. And from experiences of the past few years I know first hand that if I’m not healthy (mentally) and taking care of myself, I won’t be a good sister/friend/companion/partner etc.
So I need to say no, more so that I can say yes to me. I need to reschedule with a friend if I can’t mentally handle one more thing on my schedule. I need to figure out a way to still be a good friend and not over extend myself. I need to be ok with some relationships taking priority and precedence over others because I can’t give all 100%.
I have to be ok with good and focus less on perfection.
I want to drink more water: Help me. Coffee is only made with water but isn’t water. I need to drink more water!
I’m so excited for 2018. I’ve got a lot going for me and a lot ahead of me. I think this year will be one of the best yet !