Sometimes the sponsored posts on privacy-intrusive social media platforms do a good job of spying on my private thoughts and knowing EXACTLY what my innermost desires are jonesing for. This movie looks excellent. Like could watch it again and again and never get sick of it, excellent.
Jamie W told us to watch out for it earlier this year, and I ignored her. Sorry, Jamie! You were right! This is definitely the movie to send off the summer with. Why?
The Cast
First, the ones that make sense. We love Alicia Vikander around here. We think she’s gorgeous. We think she’s talented. We think she picks awesome projects. We think she gets the best co-stars. And we are never wrong.
Co-star Nummer Een in Tulip Fever is our favorite baddie, Christoph Waltz. He’s been starring in all the psychologically disturbing villain roles since Inglorious Basterds and made movies with horrible leads *cough*Water for Elephants*cough* palatable beyond the RPattz factor.
And speaking of making RPattz projects palatable, who is the love interest for Alicia’s steamy artist affair? Dane DeHaan, of James Dean fame from that other Rob movie we only watched drunk on Amazon a month ago.
Dame Judi Dench makes an appearance as a very stern religious crone, and if that doesn’t feel right, then nothing does.
Major cast? ON POINT. But, there are others that upped this film’s pedigree but also has everyone scratching their heads with a … HOW did this group get together and what is going on?
Cara Delevingne is in this? Model turned major box office draw in a sultry period piece? And she’s filming sex scenes with the teacher from Glee? Yes, Matthew Morrison also is in this. And it’s not an NBC live musical, so I don’t understand. And let’s not forget that we are being treated to some Zach Galifinakis as well, because no 17th century period piece from Holland makes sense without Fat Jesus.
Maybe that’s one of the reasons the movie has been pushed back and back. Some folks think it just won’t gel. I don’t care. I want to see it. NOW.
The Visuals
Tom Stoppard, who wrote the screenplay for one of my favorite movies, Shakespeare in Love, also wrote this feast for the eyes, therefore I AM HERE FOR THOSE ACCORDION COLLARS. He has a way of writing dialogue that turns non relatable wardrobes into my aesthetic.
The movie is about a fraught affair (more than one affair apparently) in a highly religious and legalistic society. You know what all that repression and sad colors are going to lead to? Really hot naked times.
Need it be said again that Alicia Vikander is ANGELIC?
I don’t know about y’all, but I am definitely spending the last weekend of summer enjoying the heck outta this ridiculous period piece. It’s gonna be a good Friday night.
Are you doing to see Tulip Fever this weekend? Did it pop up out of nowhere for you too?