So here’s what you need to know about me:
Hi, I’m Bekah!
I’m Bekah Sine Decker and am 1/2 of the TN Ownership Team. Lol, I’ve never called it that before. But really, I started That’s Normal in 2012 with my bff and business partner Nikki after running a successful Twilight blog (lol) for 4 years. We immediately joined forces with a few internet-turned-real-life pals to write our snarky content day-in-and-day-out and the rest is history.
Nikki and I also own Method Agency (and yes, That’s Normal and Method Agency are two separate businesses!) where we do social media and online PR for clients, specializing in fandom marketing.
I’m the cat mom of 2, live in Philadelphia in the best neighborhood (Fishtown) and am recently divorced. That’s the first time I’ve said it publicly, it’s that recent. Running multiple businesses and raising two cats is super stressful, but I’m pretty happy. Extremely happy, actually.
I’m really bad at pop culture.
Like really bad. I go to Comic Cons (Here is when I was a con-virgin) and run this Pop culture website, but I still haven’t seen Wonder Woman (or any Marvel movie in theaters in the last 10 years. Or is that DC?) and I haven’t even seen Forest Gump it’s that bad. But…. I am who I am. I don’t always get pop culture references, and I might ask embarrassing questions about who someone OBVIOUS is when I’m at a con, but I’m 34, dammit! I’m okay with embarrassing myself and 2nd-hand embarrassing those around me every once in awhile.
I just had a hospital stay
It was over my birthday so it was like I didn’t have a birthday at all, and now I don’t get to celebrate for another year 🙁 But I only tell you this because I had an ovarian cyst rupture for the first time, and it’s now my life passion to make sure all women know the signs of what to expect for because it SUCKED.
This is the best article I’ve found, so get yourself acquainted. It can happen to any of us.
I love to read, but haven’t finished a book in over a year
I WAS an avid reader. I have some GREAT book recommendations here, but I haven’t finished a book in over a year. Call it crazy life changes, call it me no longer commuting by train and having less time to kill or call it just not being inspired by any books lately, but it’s my truth. I fill SOME of my time with TV, but I usually binge watch a show for a week and then lose my remote for another 2 months. It’s sad, really. Anyone have a book to recommend from the last year that I MUST read!?
I am the oldest of 3 sisters
AND I have a bonus step brother and step sister. I’m pretty lucky in the family department. We all get along and my sisters are my best friends. We lost our mom when we were younger (I wrote about it here), but I think we’d be pretty close even if she was still around. While we are all very different in our own ways, we have many similarities for the big stuff (politics (liberal), religion (no), cats (yes)), and we actually like spending time together. The step sibs live in San Fransisco, and I have a sister in Pittsburgh, Costa Rica (for real) and one who lives outside of Philadelphia. That sister has my two favorite human beings- my niece and nephew (who are almost 2 and 4). Pittsburgh sister and I recently watched them for a weekend and just barely survived.
That’s Normal is really important to me
It’s a lot of work to run this community. And online publishing does NOT pay the bills, but every time we get frustrated by the amount of work, increased competition and just tired of making a go at it online, I am reminded of how amazing That’s Normal has been for my friendship circle. I have two group chats going via text every day with 7 women from That’s Normal who couldn’t be more different, yet we are each other’s support through daily life. I have a great circle of friends locally to grab brunch and coffee and Happy Hour with, but there is something special about having friends all over the country who are just a text message away, especially because many of these friendships were cultivated here at That’s Normal!
So that’s me! Let’s be friends.