No, I don’t mean some typical Hollywood couple who will stay together for ten years, sue a tabloid magazine for salacious rumors about their marriage’s instability, and divorce a year later amid People Magazine lame ass headlines like, “Love Not Actually.”
I mean the divine friendship betwixt Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake.
The heterolife mating of FallLake – that celebrity hybrid name will catch on someday – is literally impossible to escape. Go ahead and type the phrase, “Jimmy Fallon and” into Google. What does the search engine suggest?
If you said “Joey Fatone,” bye, bye, bye. Also, why in the ever loving eff is Luke Brian the third most searched when it comes to Jimmy? Luke Bryan being anywhere near Google suggestions should never be a thing.
But what makes their love unique? How can we find a friendship like that?
Here’s your Jimmy and Justin’s Friendship Guide. Camp Winnipiesauckee shirts sold separately.
Their Friendship Survived This
And by “This,” I mean that tragic sweater that looks like someone decided to rip up his worst Gap sweaters and made them into this one big pile of steaming garbage. Don’t even get me on the Von Dutch trucker hat that made you look less like a trucker and more of a Von Douche.
But if your friendship lasted longer than douchey trucker hat fads, it’s a solid start.
They’re Taking Karaoke to a New Level
Every best friendship has a go-to karaoke song complete with knowing who sings the bridge, chorus, and those runs that compel you to close your eyes and put your finger to ear to “tune” yourself. Also, there is more than likely a few choreographed moves that you both pretend just came to you but secretly had been practicing.
But all those duets to Spice Girls’ “Wannabe” and Aerosmith’s “Janie’s Got a Gun” fall flat in comparison to Jimmy and Justin’s History of Rap.
Honestly, I know that I would be a complete third wheel, but my dream is to be their hype man when they finally make “History of Rap 7.”
They Have Their Own Language
What makes a friendship the real deal? No, not necklaces with the charms, “Best” and “Friends.” That’s just amateur hour. I mean inside jokes – those little quips and conversations that only make the two of you crack up and just annoy everyone else around you.
So, do I believe that Jimmy and Justin have their own inside jokes? Absolutely and I truly believe its speaking in hashtags leading to a non sequitur interaction that I’m still trying to decipher. Best part of this segment? Watching Justin trying not to laugh during Jimmy’s Ray Ramano impersonation.
And their friendship is so magical, they don’t even need to speak a single word to have an entire conversation.
We’re all Will Ferrell.
They’re Each Others Ride or Die
I mean this literally.
I’m declaring Summer 2017 to be the summer of Sis or Bro-biking. Jump on a tandem bike with your best friend and throw caution and inhibitions to the five mile per hour wind you both are creating.