How is Hagrid possible?
His mother was a giant, which are about 20-25 feet tall. His father was a human man. So…how does that work?
Were Sprout and Flitwick weird together?
This is a relatively new question, since we just found out that they used to be together. Were all couple-y with the PDA in the teacher’s lounge? I can picture McGonagall and Snape catching eyes with each other and giving each other the silent “omg seriously?” look.
Did pure-bloods ever get off their high horse?
Even in the late 90s setting of the books when the internet and texting weren’t everywhere, pure-bloods were a bit high and mighty looking down on Muggles, who could contact anyone instantaneously via telephone, while witches and wizards had to strap some parchment to a bird leg and wait for an owl to fly their message where it needed to go. It’s unclear how much they even know about anything non-magical. Do children who aren’t Muggle-born ever learn things like science and math?
What happened to Umbridge in the Forbidden Forrest?
Seriously, what exactly did those centaurs do to her?
Why does anyone still like Snape?
I know this one’s going to be contentious. Yes, he’s a good character. But he’s not a good person. I know he kept Harry alive and protected him and blah blah blah because he was so in love with Lily. But I have to imagine that she wouldn’t be too touched by the fact that he was a huge asshole to her son every chance he got. Let’s not forget that Snape was Neville’s boggart. The boy whose parents were tortured into insanity by magical terrorists is more afraid of one of his teachers than anything else in the world. That’s how bad Snape is. No amount of “Always” changes that for me.
Why can’t Hogwarts students live at home?
Maybe this doesn’t nag at anyone who lives in a country where boarding school is more common, but as an American, the thought of having my child live most of the year away from me for a huge chunk of their childhood seems ridiculous. Would it really be such a big deal if kids went home every day? Magical families could do side by Side-Along Apparition with their kids, and Muggle-borns could have their fireplace set up in the Floo Network like the Dursley’s in Goblet of Fire.
Where are all the jobs?
It seems like there aren’t enough jobs to go around in the Wizarding World. If you’re not a teacher at Hogwarts, and don’t work at the Ministry, Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley, or St. Mungo’s, what do you do?
Why didn’t other countries help fight Voldemort?
The entire Magical world knows what a threat Voldemort is, don’t you think there would be more of an international task force to try and take him down? Even an unofficial group if government bodies weren’t willing to get on board.
Why didn’t Hermione pick Victor Krum?
He was a professional athlete who liked to sit with her quietly in the library, frizzy hair and all, while Ron was still teasing her. He saw how special she was before a lot of other people did.
How did Bellatrix and Voldemort have a kid?
The idea of Voldemort deciding to have sex at all seems so out of character to me. I was so confused by the plot points in Cursed Child that when I first read them I thought it was a joke.
Why didn’t basilisk venom kill the horcrux within Harry in “Chamber of Secrets?”
I know J.K. Rowling has answered this one:because Fawkes healed Harry it preserved the Horcrux. But that was some time after he was bitten. Any other time a Horcrux was destroyed it seemed to happen pretty quickly. Why was this time different?
Has the “other minister” situation ever gone horribly wrong?
I can’t imagine someone didn’t try to take a swing at the Minister of Magic at some point.
What happened to Winky?
Is she okay, or is she destined to always stay kind of sad? Petition for Jo to write an Eat, Pray, Love style journey for Winky where she finds herself. I’m rooting for you girl.
Why is Ravenclaw’s house animal an eagle?
And not, you know, a raven?
Why is the Snitch worth so many points?
Catching the Snitch almost guarantees that your team ends up with the most points, making everything that happens with the Quaffle irrelevant. And if for some reason the opposing team had so many points that they would still win if the Snitch were caught, why would a Seeker ever do it? If you see the Snitch, you stall and make sure the other team’s Seeker doesn’t get it until you can catch up in points.
Why aren’t love potions unforgivable?
I wrote a whole post about this it bothers me so much. If the Imperius Curse is considered horrible enough to land someone in Azkaban because it allows the spell caster to control another person completely, why isn’t something eerily similar treated the same way? They’re basically magical roofies.
Why didn’t Voldemort make his horcruxes out of random stuff?
It’s not like I want to give him pointers, but it never made sense to me why Voldemort picked things that were so noteworthy if he never wanted them to be found. He hid the locket in that cave by the beach because he’d taken a notable trip there as a child. If he needed it to mean something, he’d have been better off going to that beach, picking some random seashell, making that his horcrux, and tossing it into the ocean. Nobody’s ever finding that thing no matter how hard they try.
Why did the Department of Mysteries amount to nothing?
I was so sure that the Department of Mysteries was going to come back into play in the last book. The veil that Sirius fell through in Order of the Phoenix, the room that couldn’t be unlocked because it contained the most powerful force in the world? It seemed like there was so much setup there but it was never mentioned again after the fifth book.
Why would Harry name his son Albus Severus?
How did Ginny not put her foot down on this one? Lupin gets no representation in the monikers of any of your children, but Snape is going to be tied to your progeny forever? Yes, he was one of the “bravest men you ever knew” but he also did a lot of awful stuff, and how is the kid going to feel when he finds that out?
Why didn’t anyone use a time turner to kill Tom Riddle?
This is the “would you go back in time and kill baby Hitler” question of the magical world, but with the added element of it actually being possible. I know messing with time is no joke but Voldemort was so horrifically awful that I think someone would have done it anyway.
What are your lingering Harry Potter questions?