I’m actually SO outside of that fandom that I don’t know if it’s Fifty Shades of “Grey” or “Gray” (A quick google tells me it’s GREY).
I can’t tell you exactly why I haven’t yet bought into this pop culture phenomenon, but here are 318 reasons:
Just kidding, I”ll give you 3:
- I’m Team Stephenie Meyer first and foremost (and
12 of uswe all know that fandom drama) - I just missed out on the phenomenon: A la Forrest Gump, another film I’ve never seen
- Unless it just shows up on my doorstep, I don’t see movies as I’m a pretty lazy entertainment consumer
But, Fifty Shades Darker is apparently better than it’s predecessor (according to fans: 52% liked vs 41% of the original on Rotten Tomatoes) though critics skewered it. (9% for Darker vs. 25% for Grey) and even I liked the Trailer:
And apparently a bunch of copies are SHOWING UP on my doorstep. So to continue to be lazy, I’m going to have to have someone force me into a chair, figure out how my Blu-Ray player works and get me a snack so I watch this film. (Which doesn’t sound like a bad Friday night, actually.)
I know I’m not in the majority when it comes to Fifty Shades. MANY OF YOU love it.
So here’s a giveaway of copies of Fifty Shades Dark! Enter!