It is likely that the mole is the CIA handler who conveniently disappears after important details are discussed and who has a debt problem. The Russians like nothing more than exploit those who are in want of money. But in a surprise twist (!), the mole is actually her boss! Another high ranking government official gone bad.
No one in the government can be trusted
This has become a common theme in Taken. The ODNI is part of the government machine even if it is a black ops group with questionable methods. Yet they seem to be constantly discovering dirty politicians and civil servants within the very government they work for. Although I do love a good conspiracy theory, I hope that this theme changes and that they get back to going after threats at home and abroad who are not being fueled by rogue government agents.
Who is John?
My two favourite supporting characters so far have been Riley and John. I love learning more about them.
Last week, John took a bullet to the gut. His recovery meant that he was sidelined and did not join the team on their escapades in Russia. But we were blessed with video of his physical therapy.
God bless the director.
John split his time between the ODNI’s operative room and helping his older brother deal with a gang recruiting youngsters in the neighbourhood.
John came from a rough background. He and his brother were gang members back in the day but have since turned their lives around – John as a military man, his brother as a minister. John steps in to try and reason with the gang members but, as we know, you can’t reason with stupid, so John let’s loose his particular set of skills as a top notch black ops agent to make his point.
More Mills baddassery
Just when you think Mills couldn’t be anymore of a badass, he goes and uses rusty old bear traps and wire clothes lines to incapacitated the Russian henchmen.
That’s gonna leave a mark.
Next week Mills and Mejia face off! And Mills brings the gun show!