Thinking about Shane West reminded me of the men who shaped my libido growing up (I paid homage to them all here back in 2013 and made the following graph:)
And while Shane West is someone I’d like to catch up with soon, I want to talk about someone with a more prominent role on my list of crushes growing up. That is, the one and only Devon Sawa.
The other night, our very own Heidi, inspired by a convo about Christina Ricci as Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald texted:
“The only thing I want to see Christina Ricci in is a sequel to Casper with Devon Sawa”
Coincidentally, Devon Sawa jokingly tweeted about being ready to make that sequel the day prior. The LYING DESTRUCTIVE FAKE news media picked that up as a real bit of news.
So with all this happening this week, I decided it was high time we at That’s Normal check in with my favorite blonde, bowl-cut beauty from the 90s:
What’s Devon Sawa into!?
We know a lot about Devon Sawa because he’s on Twitter and Instagram. We know he’s anti-Trump (That’s our boy!) and pro-UFC (that’s our— eh, whatever)
He’s got jokes:
I’m only going to tweet about politics and feminism from now on. The other stuff gets me into trouble.
— devon sawa (@DevonESawa) January 28, 2017
And tweets what we’re all thinking:
I’d like to go for dinner with Nicholas Sparks and talk about love and relationships.
— devon sawa (@DevonESawa) January 24, 2017 is he paying his bills?
We think he’s still cashing royalty checks from Final Destination. Actually, he MIGHT still be living on royalty checks from Casper and Little Giants. Lord knows I sit and watch them from start to finish anytime they come on TV Land.*
Devon was in a film in 2016 (Punk’s Dead: SLC Punk 2 …?) and a TV series documentary (Real Detective). Plus he was in Nikita with none other than SHANE WEST from 2010-2013!
*I don’t have TV Land and I don’t think I’ve seen those movies since 1995 and 1994 respectively .
What’s his love life like?
Devon married his wife Dawni Sahanovitch in 2010 and they have 2 kids together.
Devon is a FAMILY MAN who takes family-photos you’d pin as inspiration for your next family photo sesh:
He’s like a REAL dad:
Like a LEGIT dad:
Thank you ladies. Love, the father of a little girl. #WomensMarch
— devon sawa (@DevonESawa) January 21, 2017
Okay get to it… how does he LOOK?
I have to confess.. when I first googled Devon Sawa, I was … disappointed. He wasn’t the man of my pre-teen dreams.
He looks OLDER (He’s 38. And for the record, I’m glad he doens’t look 12). He’s ROUGHER (He’s sober now. 10+ years! Go Devon!) But I did a LOT of research for this and discovered that while he may not be the sexy, junior-football crush of my childhood dreams, he is a man:
Like a hot dad man:
A REAL dad man:
And like grown-up bro man who lifts a lot of weight but you just can’t helping loving him because he’s so sincere:
And while Devon Sawa might not be playing peewee football anymore (WATCH THIS SCENE YOU KNOW YOU WANNA)
he IS killing it in his second life as a sober husband and dad and political tweeter who jokes about getting the gang back together to make Casper 2 and the media picks it up as a real story.
And while his buff, gruff, UFC-loving persona is not what I grew up being into personally, I’m forever grateful to his blonde-bowlcut-ish boy, good-looks that occupied most of my 11-13 year old hormone-fueled thoughts: