It’s impossible for me to pick the best Michelle Obama moments, because every little thing she does is magic. “What would Michelle Obama do” will always be my mantra, that’s how crazy fantastic she is. I’ve selected a few of my favorites though to relive today.
When she made the most epic eye roll of all time at John Boehner
Chilling with Big Bird and Billy Eichner
One of her 2016 campaign speeches. I think hers were the best that anyone gave during the entire election cycle.
Mom dancing with Jimmy Fallon
Her cameo on Parks and Rec, where Leslie was all of us
Her last speech as First Lady
It’s truly a shame that she doesn’t want to run for political office. It’s understandable because politics is horrendous, but still upsetting. We need her. For the sake of America, I certainly hope that we have other First Spouses like her, but that seems unlikely to happen for a while. She’s something incredibly special and I consider myself fortunate that I actually got to live during her time as First Lady instead of having to read about it in history books years from now.
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Happy Birthday Michelle! We love you!
What’s your favorite thing about Michelle Obama? When you imagine that she’s your best friend, what kinds of things do you do together in your daydreams? Tell us in the comments!